The homeopathic understanding of the face

by | Jun 16, 2022 | Head-body scheme, Head/Brain, Symptom Language

This article will decode the homeopathic understanding of the face according to the understanding of Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, and her research on symptom language.

According to her interpretation, “symptom language” is a form of somatic communication—the “soma,” respectively. The subconsciousness of utilizing the material body expresses an internal conflict that the individual must become aware of to balance himself. The face can also indicate various psychological conditions in this article. Thus, we organized a list of homeopathic remedies that respond to these internal disharmonies.

The psychological meaning of the face

The distinctive, mostly visible aspect of a person is his face. It allows conclusions about how someone stands by and stands up for himself and how he “faces” life. The face is also a very confrontational display of suppressed emotions and feelings that are not dared to be expressed directly. It also may show deep-rooted internal conflicts that we listed below.

The meaning of forehead wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles are associated with an individual defiantly conforming to a particular traditional concept or societal paradigm to belong to the group. Unwillingly enduring a life situation that one does not actually stand behind. This is accepted for reasons of belonging, rooted in the dependency on external support and security.

Homeopathic remedies for wrinkles

  • Ammonium carbonicum = Lack of security due to the destruction of the paternal role model.
  • Bryonia alba = clinging to norms and traditions, as individuality has not yet developed
  • Chamomilla = Feels that he does not belong, is angry about it, and defiant
  • Helleborus niger = Does not like to be alone
  • Lycopodium clavatum = The lazy compromise
  • Rhus toxicodendron = Feels fixed and confined, wants to escape
  • Staphisagria = Inner bond with others cut off, isolated
  • Stramonium = Panic, long suppressed potential is discharged

Disorders or pain in the zygomatic region

An individual that shows disorders or pain in the zygomatic region is too hurt and discouraged to show his own (true) face and assert himself in a group, or family context.

Homeopathic remedies for zygomatic pain

  • Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
  • Capsicum annuum = The inner center not yet found or having lost it
  • Carbo vegetabilis = Life force is not used for healthy self-interest
  • Causticum = Through severe injury having built an emotional wall
  • Chelidonium majus = Remaining inactive against one’s own interests
  • Platinum metallicum = From injury elevating oneself above others to be untouchable
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart
  • Verbascum thapsus = Fear of violence, which the person defies

The psychological meaning of trigeminal neuralgia

The individual suffering from trigeminal neuralgia strongly identifies with the role of a parent due to injuries. He adopted a rigid perspective regarding life and his part in that. Further, he lacks the courage to implement and enforce his authentic inherent views.

Homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia

  • Aconitum napellus = Negative thinking for the sake of self-protection
  • Arsenicum album = Existential anxiety, would rather die than change
  • Cedron cimaruba ferroginea = Injured “need for security,” forces defiantly independence
  • Magnesium phosphoricum = The eternal, silent war
  • Mezereum = Role-playing instead of individual development
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart
  • Verbascum thapsus = Fear of violence
  • Zincum valerianicum = Traditional security is preferred in a disciplined way to personal freedom

The psychology of rashes on the face

Rashes on the face indicate that someone is angry with himself for not showing her/his true colors. She/he cares more about the safety of a group or community. The psychological meaning of inflammation, in general, is always associated with anger and scorn, which is not expressed directly but suppressed. This repression can somatize in inflammatory processes.

We wrote a detailed article about skin rashes and their homeopathic meaning that you can read here >

Homeopathic remedies for rashes on the face

  • Antimonium crudum = Polarity is cruel, do not want to have anything to do with the hard life
  • Calcium carbonicum = Refuse to accept life, want support
  • Dulcamara = Dominance must not be questioned
  • Graphites naturalist = Sits between two chairs
  • Hepar sulfuric = Want to change others to strengthen one’s own security
  • Natrium muriaticum = Holding on to what is tried and known
  • Rhus toxicodendron = Feeling fixed and constricted, wanting to escape
  • Sepia succus = Longing for harmony, that must conform to one’s own ideas
  • Viola tricolor = Rejection triggers hatred

The psychological meaning of ladies’ beard

Women that lack confidence in men or even dislike them, resulting from the belief that one cannot rely on the opposite sex, tend to show that in their faces by growing a ladies’ beard. That shows that they want to “man up” for themselves.

Homeopathic remedies for ladies’ beard

  • Borax veneta = Feeling used and discarded
  • Chelidonium majus = Remaining inactive—against one’s own interests
  • Cortisonum = Suppressed life impulses cause inner isolation
  • Ignatia amara = Emotion turned into the opposite by strong suppression
  • Sarsaparilla officinalis = Suffering spreads

The psychology of facial acne during puberty

Facial acne during puberty is the expression of a changing perception of one’s own body and personality. This also includes, but is not limited to, the perception of one’s own desire and sexuality. The confrontation with one’s own needs and feelings and the conscious perception of one’s own position within a group in sexual and general terms are the subject of acne.

Instead of blossoming in one’s own activity and exploring and implementing the new perception in fresh contacts, only the skin “blossoms,” as if one wants to prevent this implementation, these contacts, oneself. The courage might still be missing. Most teenagers struggle with the belief that one is not allowed to position oneself, and that one has to adapt. They do not dare to perceive and live their own perspective on life.

Homeopathic remedies for facial acne

  • Carbo animals = Abandonment of the development of the willpower
  • Sanicula aqua = Having to survive in poisoned feelings
  • Hydrastis canadensis = Denying the desire to live and blames others for it
  • Causticum = Through severe injury having built an emotional wall
  • Creosotum = Feeling raped
  • Carbo vegetabilis = Life force is not used for healthy self-interest
  • Eugenium jambosa = The “fifth wheel” on the wagon, being used to not showing emotions
  • Juglans regia = Can only act rationally, because he is emotionally occupied
  • Kalium bromatum = The life lie of the traditional community

Homeopathy for Body & Soul

This article is an excerpt from the book “Homeopathy for Body and Soul” which was written by Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the most common symptoms and diseases.

More about symptom language | Buy on Book On Demand

Homeopathy for Body and Soul book by Antonie Peppler mockup

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions or are looking for homeopathic consultation online, feel free to contact our team.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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