
Skin rashes on the face

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Homeopathy Articles

Skin rashes are usually a topic of puberty but are also omnipresent in modern society’s quest for perfection. Today, beauty is more important than ever. Advertising and media convey it daily: a well-groomed face with beautiful skin is desirable. The number of highly praised acne, pimple and skincare products suggests that beauty and a youthful appearance are almost obligatory determinants of a person’s attractiveness nowadays. But isn’t it also said that true beauty comes from within? And if beauty comes “from within,” so to speak, what factors and what issues are there that mainly influence it? Recognizing and eliminating those “stress issues” that prevent beauty from achieving this authentic attractiveness is essential. However, the term stress is too general. The cause of stress differs for each person, so it is often difficult to identify the reason that can cause blemishes, pimples, and even acne on the face.

The meaning of the face

Let’s first look at the symbolic meaning of the face, which can be derived from our language: “Showing one’s true face” means that someone shows themselves as they are. This statement stands for both honesty and authenticity. To be allowed to be, to be able to be, to want to be like one’s own personality is thus rewarded, for example, by beautiful natural facial skin. Conversely, this suggests that all those who develop blemished skin, a rash, pimples, or even acne on the face are trying to hide feelings. However, this only succeeds in the environment where the meaning of body language is not known or of interest or when a “pot of decorative paint” is meant to cover up reality. For those interested in “the true beauty from within,” here are some fundamental issues for skin blemishes.

Skin blemishes and their psychological meaning

The terrain on which skin blemishes arise from the vaccination topic of smallpox, which is no longer carried out today but is presented in genetics. Smallpox, as a disease and through inoculation, is an event that contaminates the skin and leaves deep scars. Psychologically, this terrain symbolizes a negative view of life. The person whose subconsciousness got infiltrated with this theme is afraid of violence, suffers from fear of expectations, distrusts others, and therefore cannot show himself as he is.

This unconscious terrain, mind you, is a consistent stress trigger for him or her because negative things are expected everywhere. To achieve lasting “beauty from within,” this pock terrain must first be relaxed through vaccination detox. Subsequently, the typical matching homeopathic remedies can be applied successfully.

Homeopathic remedies for skin blemishes

Through homeopathic remedies, which have already been found empirically for facial skin blemishes and have proven themselves for many years, it is possible to conclude the psychological causes.

The walnut – “Juglans regia”

Regardless of the mentioned smallpox vaccination terrain, one of the most common homeopathic remedies that fit our topic is the walnut, Juglans regia. This remedy has a psychological meaning:

“Can only operate rationally”

The cause is, for example, an unconscious emotional occupation by the opposite-sex parent. In a family structure, the parents are emotionally dissatisfied or unhappy with each other. It is pretty typical for a child to fill this gap. The daughter as daddy’s darling and the son as mommy’s darling keeps the family intact.

The children, however, unconsciously see the task of maintaining the family or have a strong sense of harmony. By allowing the emotional occupation of the opposite-sex parent and “protecting” themselves from other influences and desires, they are making themselves unattractive by an intense skin rash on their face. If this rash is inflammatory, we can imply anger and rage because anything hot and red represents anger.

These inflammatory rashes on the face indicate that the person is irritated about not being allowed to show their “true” face.

The ink of the squid – “Sepia succus”

A less profound remedy, but which can also be a part of the above-described theme, is the ink of the squid “Sepia succus” with the psychological meaning:

“Longing for harmony, but it must correspond to one’s own ideas.”

Referring to the quality of Juglans regia, Sepia may be the portion of Juglans regia in which the child sacrifices its own will for family harmony. Sepia will initially relieve or alleviate the rash in homeopathic treatment, but this will return if there is psychological pressure within the family and can only be improved by Juglans regia. Even more profoundly, the terrain treatment of smallpox inoculation should be seen.

In such a case, treatment of all three levels is needed to achieve a proper cure.

The rose apple – “Eugenia jambosa”

Another deep homeopathic remedy on our topic is the rose apple – Eugenia jambosa – with the psychological meaning:

“Being the fifth wheel and used to not showing feelings.”

A child who arrived for the parents unplanned, as an unwanted addition, and also later always feels superfluous, is in the life situation typical for Eugenia jambosa. It is not difficult to understand that such a person who feels unloved has little courage to make demands. He will hide his personality and hardly show his true face. On the somatic level, this can then produce rashes on the face.

The daisy – “Bellis perennis”

A Eugenia jambosa complementary homeopathic remedy can then be the daisy Bellis perennis. Bellis has a psychological meaning:

“Rejected and put off despite most friendly efforts.”

It would be conceivable that a person would like to change the role of the lack of belonging of Eugenia jambosa by helpfully doing everything for others. However, if the environment does not accept this, the Eugenia trauma is complemented by the repeatedly experienced rejection of Bellis perennis. Only with the administration of both remedies can profound healing of the facial impurity be expected and brought about.

The ginger – “Zingiber”

One at the point last presented combination of medicines for facial blemishes is ginger as the deep main subject. Zingiber has a psychological meaning:

“Spiritual development takes place only in seclusion – feeling unworldly.”

Monastery Imprint and Zingiber

The life situation of this remedy has a monastic touch. The “dear, good person,” who unconsciously expects that education can only take place in the environment of same-sex, e.g., in a monastery, comes into puberty and feels the awakening of his sexuality. Concretely, the situation shows up in such a way that, e.g., girls play almost dogmatically only among themselves and show no interest in boys. The better relationship is, of course, with the mother. Perhaps the father plays a role in the family only as a breadwinner. The emotional life occurs only among the female family members and is continued this way in kindergarten or school.

Of course, such an example could be extrapolated to male beings resulting in life in the same-sex sense. The world is fine until puberty and sexual desires become apparent. With this, the person gets into trouble because the awakening of the sexual seems forbidden in the unconscious. The girl or boy feels increasingly insecure. Their unconscious evaluations would now have to be resolved more clearly and meaningfully. If this does not happen, if the unconscious prohibition of sexual development remains, this can show itself somatically as skin impurity in the face. The adolescent often still finds this skin impurity disgusting and very annoying. The feeling of being caught also plays a role. This effect happens, of course, unconsciously.

The homeopathic remedy that correlates with the Zingiber life situation is “Indium metallicum,” which has the psychological meaning of: “Fear of one’s vitality.” If the Zingiber situation remains unconscious and nourished by a bad conscience that remains incomprehensible, then a deep fear of one’s vitality arises. The insecurity caused by one’s own drive is related to the supposed prohibition of the same.

Homeopathic Conclusion

Zingiber will undoubtedly relieve the rash in homeopathic treatment. Still, if there is already a more profound trauma of self-rejection, “Indium metallicum” is needed to bring about a natural cure.

Even if the last theme is rather present during puberty, it is often found in “guilty adults” who may be spasmodically trying to become holy instead of accepting their natural sexuality.

These few profound examples should show that the claim “True beauty comes from within” is worth striving for but sometimes not so easy to realize. Still, this endeavor is worth striving for since this form of beauty equals natural health and inner balance.

The original article about skin rashes was written by Antonie Peppler and translated by Christian Köhlert.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or make an appointment for a homeopathic online consultation.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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