Strengthen The Immune System with Homeopathy

by | May 9, 2022 | Homeopathy Articles

The following article on how we can strengthen the immune system was written by Antonie Peppler, who developed Creative Homeopathy. In this treatise, she talks about essential homeopathic remedies and sheds a different perspective on the immune system itself. From a holistic point of view, every illness has a psychological or spiritual connection. The same applies to the defense mechanism of our bodies.

What is a “strong immune system?”

Time and time again, patients come to my homeopathic practice with the request and expectation to strengthen their immune systems. When I ask them what they mean by this, I often experience astonished or perplexed faces. Some want to get rid of their perennial cold, others feel completely weak, and others have heard or read in the media that it is good to have a robust immune system.

The abstraction in medicine

If I ask why the patient does not defend himself against his fellow man and assert himself and his needs, the perplexity only grows stronger.

The immune system is the defense system, which reflects or shows the strength of our individual personality on the unconscious level.

Antonie Peppler

It is a part of ourselves that directly represents our own thoughts and attitude toward life. If we are in a life situation that does not suit us, e.g., at a workplace where we cannot develop, where there are colleagues who go against the grain, our immune system will show this.

How do chronic diseases develop?

Usually, colds arise when we announce that we are sick and tired of something. If the situation does not change, the cold passes but soon shows itself in a worse form. If we do not react again, sinusitis may develop in the reinforcement, which becomes chronic in the course of “ignorance.”

Homeopathic remedies for colds and sinusitis

The homeopath who looks at this chronic process as a whole – the tendency to cold and sinus catarrh – will then come up with the following homeopathic remedies and their psychological meanings:

  • Silicea = being too intellectual; due to injuries, feelings are pushed away
  • Mercurius solubilis = one’s own life force is not expressed and is sacrificed for someone else
  • Sulphur = awareness is suppressed
  • Lycopodium = the lazy compromise
  • Hepar Sulfuris = wanting to change others to strengthen one’s own security
  • Thuja = own shadow sides are encapsulated and isolated
  • Phosphorus = the traumatic life energy, always the same
  • Kalium Bichromicum = slimy friendly, one’s own needs are ignored
  • Hydrastis = denies the lust for life, blames others for it
  • Pulsatilla = sticks the head in the sand, lack of confrontation
  • Nitricum Acidum = hatred and desire for revenge, but these are not formulated
  • Kalium Jodatum = ignores the feeling of not being loved
  • Calcium carbonicum = refusing life, wanting support
  • Natrium muriaticum = clinging to what is tried and known
  • Cinnabaris = sacrifices personality for the apparent helplessness of others
  • Arsenicum iodatum = conviction of never being nourished and loved throughout life
  • Verbascum = fear of violence, which the person defies
  • Stannum = not allowed to enjoy life

In these homeopathic remedies, the patient’s unconscious, fixed thought patterns vary in intensity. If we look at the meanings of these remedies, it becomes clear that not every remedy can cover the patient’s most profound, central imprint.

Silicea – alone is not enough

The homeopathic remedy Silicea, “being head over heels,” most often used in a homeopathic practice in a situation mentioned above, helps in the short term but cannot answer the fundamental issue of why a person behaves in such an ignorant way.

With the administration of Silicea, the immune system becomes more vital in the short term but falls off again when the most profound and basic motivating pattern is not covered.

Silicea gives the unconscious or immune system the message,

“Don’t think so much, act instead.”

The patient with a lot of self-confidence and inner strength will do so. But a patient with so much inner strength would probably not even get into the position that he would and wants to endure an unpleasant situation for so long.

The acquiescent, anxious patient has thought patterns imprinted in him, perhaps adopted from his family members, which he is often unaware of, but this is the base on which he reacts. He may have adopted specific patterns to be allowed to belong to the family or a group.

What suppresses the Immune System?

Fear as a cause of illness

An essential motive for illness, in general, is the fear of being alone. The imprint: “togetherness makes us strong” is still more potent than the courage to exist as an individual in personal responsibility.

The homeopathic remedy Stannum with the psychological meaning of: “not allowed to enjoy life,” or Hydrastis – “refuses to enjoy life and blames others for it” corresponds to deeper imprinted suffering patterns and beliefs. These can last for generations. For members of certain families, the joy of life and fun has not been allowed for many eras. The one who does not keep the family rituals is kicked out and stands alone. Only the one who dares to separate himself and develop inner security can shape his life consciously and “self-confidently.”

Victim role as a way out

In wide circles of our society, the originally church-influenced theme still exists. He who suffers goes to heaven, which is answered by the homeopathic remedy Origanum majorana (or vulgaris). Being a victim is “in.” He who makes himself small and helpless is respected in his victimhood. The strong person is the perpetrator. The perpetrator is egoistic and, therefore, not accepted. The fatal thing is that everyone who strengthens and develops his individuality has and radiates the perpetrator’s power.

The one who knows what he wants with integrative social behavior, which references his inner voice, who rests in himself in a self-evident way, has a good and robust immune system.

Challenges in strengthening the immune system

In many patients, the immune system is so burdened; the patients are so entangled in fixed patterns of thinking and adaptation that strengthening and stabilizing the immune system is more complicated.

This is especially a problem for the homeopath when the patient already does not react to well and correctly chosen homeopathic remedies. It is fatal if the homeopath does not believe in his abilities with enough certainty, constantly tries homeopathic remedies without success, and perhaps even ultimately declares the patient to be homeopathically untreatable or curable.

All this desperation need not be necessary if it is considered and known that specific experiences or even classical medical treatments influence the patient’s ability to react to homeopathic remedies. The patient has so-called blockages.

Therapy blockades

The first essential blockade is trauma. A shock experience occurs when a conflict crucial to the patient’s development has been repressed. The blockage that inhibits the immune system is hidden in unconsciousness.

Here is an example:

A personality is fundamentally too slow at home, school, or work. Others—parents, teachers, superiors – oppose and push. The character consciously or unconsciously becomes aggressive and insecure. Accordingly, the conflict ramps up and should be solved somehow. If this does not happen, at some point, a shock occurs. The most elegant way to escape a conflict—an accident, probably even a rear-end car collision could be the staging of the shock. This is initiated subconsciously.

A shock situation reflects the nature of the conflict. The personality is now externally “pushed” in this example and is the victim in the accident. Perhaps due to a severe, protracted injury, the environment prevents further pushing from the outside. The personality has now legitimized itself through illness, not to be repressed anymore. This behavior is legal in our culture and almost accepted, sometimes even supported. Through this reaction, the “victim” has not only withdrawn from the conflict but is now even privileged as a victim.

Dissolve therapy blockades

Such a patient, as described above, no longer reacts to homeopathic remedies during a homeopathic treatment, which perhaps occurs for entirely different reasons. This behavior or reaction is because he has learned that staging a shock can avoid conflicts.

The homeopathic remedy for shock is Opium has the psychological meaning of crossing the boundary between the conscious and unconscious. However, the symptoms of Opium become visible as a symptom picture for the homeopath on the patient when either a shock experience has just happened or when the patient is about to die. Opium symbolizes repression in the unconscious and detaching into another dimension.

Suppose the homeopath has come to the repressed conflict situation that caused the patient’s imprint to be driven. In that case, the patient will formulate and physically represent the feeling of hurry and rush during the treatment. Still, the repression due to the shock usually remains unrecognized and is not expressed. From a few signs, e.g., the patient’s lack of reaction, external sensitivity, snoring or heavy breathing, etc., the homeopath can recognize the need to administer opium. However, seconds after administering Opium, at least in C 200 better higher (C 50 000), the patient reacts and can show further symptoms of the previously repressed conflict. The patient is again treatable and responds, and so does his immune system.

Vaccinations as a therapy blockade

Another major blockage to homeopathic treatment is vaccinations. If the homeopathic remedy opium has been given and the patient does not respond to further drug administration, there is usually a vaccination blockade.

The reason vaccinations could block therapy is probably due to their production method. Most vaccines were and are bred on animals. The most modern manufacturing method is genetic engineering. The first vaccination ever, Dr. E. Jenner’s smallpox vaccination, was an animal disease: cowpox. Vaccinations deliberately make the patient sick in a mild form. The immune system is supposed to “practice” to be immune to more severe attacks of pathogens.

The basic idea is logical if one assumes that illness is an assault process of pathogens, which the ill person must withstand. For the one to whom it is clear that any disease arises from the mental development process of the patient, he must rethink the hitherto valid theory of vaccinations. The presentation of the whole subject is too complex at this point to go into detail.

Therefore, I would like to refer to our new book “Vaccine Detoxification” and our reference book “The Great Vaccination Book of Creative Homeopathy.” (Books are currently only available in the German language *note of the translator)

Spiritual issues are “vaccinated” as well

The immune system is “stimulated,” and a spiritual theme is transferred and fixed as a thought pattern with every vaccination.

The mental theme of whooping cough (pertussis): “I demand recognition of myself, I want to be recognized as I am by nature.”

The person vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis) will thus struggle for recognition throughout his life. This way is undoubtedly paved with many negative experiences so that the patient, at some point, has no more strength and compensation. Physically, he reacts, e.g., with a severe lung illness, which has the worst meaning: Give and take are so out of tune that there is no further interest in life. Psychologically, this means that ultimately resignation to life as a whole will set in.

Further Homeopathic remedies

Before the subject is fully exhausted, the patient may develop chronic throat clearing or tickling cough, which is then successfully treated in the short term in homeopathic treatment with Carbo vegetabilis. Usually, the symptoms will recur again and again at shorter and shorter intervals, which is unusual for homeopathic medicine. At some point, Carbo vegetabilis does not help at all, although the remedy would be correct.

The patient is often also no longer responsive to other homeopathic remedies. This only changes when the vaccine nosode pertussis (whooping cough) is given simultaneously as Carbo vegetabilis. Dissolving the blockage using the vaccine nosode liberates the patient, and he can react again. The following treatment proceeds as usual, and the immune system is stabilized. If the patient has had several vaccinations, performing an entire vaccine detox makes sense to affect the patient’s ability to react comprehensively.

Boosted Immune System

Psychologically, the vaccine de-blocking causes the patient to find other possible solutions to his conflicts. The fixation of his previous thought structures dissolves, and other creative possibilities are found.

When old, fixed thought structures are disbanded, the personality has an entirely different, much broader scope of action he can apply to life challenges. Interventions and manipulations of others, which were previously accepted as a matter of course, are now noticed and are no longer accepted—at least, they are critically questioned. This discernment creates a basis for releasing specific expectations and restrictions that have shaped life. Thus living more self-determination becomes possible. Since the immune system mirrors a personality’s ability to dissociate, this also relieves the immune system.

The original article about the immune system was written by Antonie Peppler and translated by Christian Köhlert.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or make an appointment for a homeopathic online consultation.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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