How to treat Burnout with Homeopathy?

by | Nov 12, 2022 | Homeopathy Articles

This article, written by Antonie Peppler, the inventor of Creative Homeopathy, elaborates on Burnout and to we deal with it from a homeopathic point of view. Further, Antonie talks about the signature of this homeopathic remedy based on wild hopes and describes a case study regarding appendicitis.


The modern man hurries from peak to peak without really being on top – true to the motto:

He who lives faster is finished sooner!

Thus, man has become the crown of exhaustion (n. P. Kovce). The WHO has declared stress to be one of the most significant health hazards of the 21st century. Eight out of ten Germans perceive their lives as stressful, and every third person is under permanent pressure. There are many causes of stress and many ways to treat and prevent the consequences of anxiety.

What is Burnout?

Although there is no uniform definition of burnout syndrome (burnout), most experts describe burnout as a state of illness characterized by complete exhaustion.

This exhaustion manifests itself both on the physical and psychological or emotional level and can no longer be resolved even through phases of relaxation—it has taken on a life of its own and has become chronic. It is preceded by a prolonged, energy-sapping process, often described by those affected as a constant stress load. This condition is why burnout syndrome is sometimes referred to as stress syndrome.

Causes of burnout

How does burnout develop?

There are a variety of possible causes for the development of burnout syndrome. In general, however, it can be said that the risk of burnout is practically always present when we are exposed to a physical and psychological strain over a more extended period that requires us to go beyond our performance limits permanently.

Burnout due to too much work

Often the reason for this lies in external living conditions and situations, such as a result of a (too) high workload, unfavorable working conditions, or a stressful working climate. For example, people in social professions, employees in sandwich positions between two hierarchical levels, shift workers, and commuters are particularly at risk of burnout syndrome.

Likewise, factors such as permanent time pressure, lack of recognition by superiors, persistent slights, conflicts with colleagues, mobbing, or even an imminent loss of work increase the risk of burnout. This is all the more true if several roles have to be fulfilled at once or if work and family have to be reconciled – be it as a partner, parent, or caring relative.

The reason for burnout—too much performance

Family reasons for burnout

Sometimes the starting point for burnout is not so much in professional life as in the private sphere: ongoing family or partnership conflicts, problems in raising children, financial worries, and many other stress factors can lead to feeling chronically overworked and overwhelmed.

Personal causes of burnout

In addition to these situational external causes, “internal” causes can also provide the breeding ground for the development of burnout syndrome. These “inner” causes are often closely linked to the individual personality structure. In particular, the tendency to set excessive goals and always want to do everything ideally can result in permanent peak performance and extreme commitment.

However, it can also be that the thoughts become stress aggravators. These are often based on specific ideas and beliefs developed due to previous experiences with similar situations. Attitudes such as, “Everyone has to be happy with me,” or, “If I say ‘no,’ I will be rejected,” usually go back to childhood and have become deeply ingrained in the soul as beliefs. These beliefs then continue to influence much of one’s behavior and actions in adulthood without always being aware of them.

In addition, each person reacts differently to sustained physical or psychological stress, so two people can respond entirely differently to the same strain. This makes it clear: Ultimately, the causes for the development of burnout syndrome are individuals other than the people affected themselves.

Regardless of the triggering factors, the following applies: If a burnout syndrome remains untreated, it can pose an existential threat to the person affected; severe physical illnesses are also possible.

Symptoms of overburden

It happens that a physical illness causes burnout-like symptoms. These include, for example, a thyroid disease, a pronounced iron deficiency, certain infectious diseases, or cancer. This makes careful diagnosis all the more important because if there is a physical illness behind chronic fatigue and exhaustion, the treatment will naturally have to be different than if the diagnosis is “burnout.”
How can burnout be recognized?

Not all burnout sufferers develop the same symptoms or the same combination of complaints. However, burnout is often manifested by a lack of drive and performance, concentration problems, constant fatigue, and exhaustion.

Many of those affected feel that they can no longer cope with the daily demands of life; they feel burnt out and chronically overwhelmed. At the same time, they hardly manage to switch off after work.

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Those affected suffer from a decline in their performance, as a result of which, for example, mistakes are made more and more frequently. It also becomes increasingly difficult to make decisions and show initiative. At the same time, confidence in oneself and one’s abilities usually decline; people become less confident, anxious, and hesitant. The emotional resilience decreases, and one becomes more “thinskinned.”

At some point, everything is experienced only as exhausting; nothing is fun anymore. It is possible that the affected person now becomes more and more indifferent to himself and his environment. In addition, cloudy thoughts, sadness, despair, and hopelessness often dominate, leading to a depressive mood.

Ultimately, many other symptoms can be indications of burnout: Even what appears to be purely physical complaints such as sleep disorders, headaches, tinnitus, back pain, digestive disorders, or susceptibility to infectious and cardiovascular diseases are not uncommon in people suffering from burnout. Psychosomatic reactions such as muscle tension, palpitations, and anxiety are typical.

It is often not easy for the person affected to recognize that he is affected by burnout syndrome. Usually, he only notices it when he is already threateningly close to the crisis. This inability is mainly because the course of the disease varies from person to person: While one person may suffer from sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, and increasing apathy, another may suffer more from psychosomatic complaints such as headaches or back pain.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or make an appointment for a homeopathic online consultation.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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