Homeopathic Remedies for Heart Disease

by | May 2, 2022 | Homeopathy Articles

This article was written by Antonie Peppler, the developer of Creative Homeopathy, and gives an excellent overview of the deeper causes and the best homeopathic remedies for heart disease. From her holistic perspective, every symptom has a psychological root—an inner conflict that is dormant on an unconscious level but wants to come to awareness. Therefore, the spiritual disharmony shows on the surface of the physical plain—it somatizes, as we say, in holistic therapy. The same principle applies to heart disease. Accordingly, a broken heart that doesn’t learn self-love and self-reliance may become a cardiological disease.

Heart as an archetypical symbol

The Heart in our language

Our language is full of heart symbolism. To give you a few examples, let me quote a couple of common phrases where we use this analogy to express a profound emotion: “Someone broke my heart,” “heartless,” “it has gone to the heart,” “being heartbroken,” “heart of stone,” “to give one’s heart away,” “hearty child,” “hearty greeting,” “heartrending speech.”

As you can see, this symbology is mainly associated with happy and fulfilled love or the extreme opposite of it.

Love others, love your surroundings, but especially: love yourself!

Antonie Peppler

All those people who have too little self-love, who respect themselves too little, who are not enough for themselves, and who exhaust themselves in the external world without paying attention to their own energy levels, are connected to heart disease.

The psychological meaning of heart disease

A heart disease reflects a psychological condition and provides information about how a person shows love to others but denies this affection and care to himself. The more severe the course of the disease, the more extreme and consistent the person’s refusal to show love to himself.

Perhaps the individual is looking externally for a concrete reason why he is of less value than his counterpart. Others might be more deserving of love than he is. The person who has sacrificed his life without questioning or even understanding the traditional role he is playing, in which he is supposed to fulfill the expectations of the other to be recognized, is predestined for heart disease.

Heart disease case study


In traditional role-playing, for example, the man has been brought up so that he, as a typical husband and family man, “has to have something to offer” for his family. Men mostly understand this imprint as a material contribution, whereas women associate emotional affection with it. He has not yet apprehended that his family might want emotional caress and support from him instead of him always working and slaving even harder. Unfortunately, based on his upbringing, he has only understood that his family wants luxury and physical reliability.

For this, he works continuously and distances himself entirely from his family. He feels the dissatisfaction of his tribe, but based on his reasoning, he only continues to work harder to offer even more physical value to achieve the satisfaction of the others finally. Speaking openly with each other within the family has often been unlearned.

The Rat Race

The more this routine of “spinning in a hamster wheel” is engraved, the less there will be opportunities for transparent exchange about the ambitions and expectations that everyone feels. The gap between the family members becomes bigger and bigger, and the “Rat Race” takes on a life of its own.

In the end, the wife feels increasingly left behind due to the lack of closeness to her partner, who is no longer emotionally available. She gets bored in her role as a “housewife” and eventually embarks on a self-awareness trip without her husband.

He finally ends up in the hospital with a heart attack when his heart no longer wants to compensate for the strain and rigorously pulls the emergency brake as a “Stop! We can’t continue like this.” because he feels he gives and gives and gives and gets nothing in return.

Homeopathic prevention for a healthy heart


To avoid a collapse like the one described above, it is crucial that the persons involved can openly come to terms with each other. This is the point where a holistic approach is efficient. Homeopathic remedies support the process of reaching a different perception and new understanding.

If it has already escalated in an infarct, homeopathic remedies open up the persons involved to soften the hardened fronts and resolve the misunderstandings. An honest discussion of all partners within a family is imperative. Each individual should express to the other what they want.

A mutually healing consensus between the partners is much easier to achieve in practice than is often assumed. However, the fundamental prerequisite is formulating what could lead to more joy in our togetherness. It is wrong to impute something to a partner he does not want for himself.

Homeopathic remedies

Aurum metallicum

One of the most important remedies for heart disease and heart attack is Aurum metallicum—homeopathic gold. Aurum metallicum is used for:

Symptoms of Aurum metallicum and their psychological meaning
  • suicidal tendency = evading personal responsibility
  • depression = suppressing one’s anger
  • disappointed love = wants to keep his harmonious idea
  • alcoholism = not being able to be alone with oneself
  • hypertension = suppressed joy that turned into aggression
other prominent symptoms of Aurum metallicum concerning heart disease
  • Fearful sensation in the heart region, moving around improves = fears not getting anything for his activities again, looks for a way out of this situation
  • Heart clenching when climbing stairs = does not dare to live his personal greatness (fulfillment) in an unbiased way
  • Sensation as if the heart wanted to stop = instead I stop before I should always keep on giving and giving
  • Sensations, as if the heart turns around = I finally want to get something back
  • Coughing agonizingly, to bursting = it almost tears, the longed-for recognition still did not get
Aurum metallicum and depth psychological backgrounds

The remedy Aurum metallicum is extremely important for a person who has no self-esteem. He allows others to set goals for him and is happy to fulfill them because he achieves value for himself by reaching the goal. However, because of this “must,” the compulsive fulfillment of the objective or the expectation, he makes himself emotionally dependent on others and their judgment as to whether he has done this well enough.

Once he has achieved one goal, he demands the next, the next, and the next. This trajectory continues until no more goal is given or considered reasonable. If the basis of his self-esteem is pulled away by having to fulfill goals set by others, then every purpose in life is missing.

This person, who needs Aurum metallicum as a remedy, has lost the connection to his inner voice. He does not perceive what would be good and right for him and, therefore, can no longer give himself stability for his actions. One’s own framework and purpose in life are no longer felt and can no longer be a guideline for one’s actions.

Naja tripudians

Another homeopathic remedy that is supportive and helpful for heart disease and heart attack is Naja tripudians, the venom of the spectacled snake. Naja tripudians is used:

  • when a poisoning process has affected the heart
  • suicidal tendency
  • shortness of breath due to heart chronic inflammation
  • otitis media
  • bronchitis
  • tonsillitis
Symptoms of Naja tripudians and their psychological significance:
  • Intoxication = completely submits to the views of its dominance
  • the heart is affected = does not come to be active for himself anymore
  • heart-related shortness of breath = no longer wants to share the air with his favorite enemy
  • chronic inflammation = may no longer consciously perceive what he wants to react aggressively to
  • inflammation of the middle ear = gets angry at what his inner voice tells him
  • bronchitis = can no longer bear the quarrels in his environment
  • tonsillitis = angry at what he perceives around him
other prominent symptoms of Naja tripudians concerning heart disease
  • Sensations of emptiness in the region of the heart = feels no love for himself and therefore unable to continue giving
  • Palpitations, cannot speak = expects something so bad that he does not want to put it into words
  • heartache extends to the left shoulder blade = withdraws in favor of others to the point that his emotional lightness is lost
  • Cutting (sudden, sharp) chest pain when taking a deep breath = giving and taking are already so much out of balance that he can no longer take

The Naja tripudians patient is caught up in imaginary worries and typically has the feeling of having been neglected. The small child, who used to be allowed to do things on his own and was led on a “leash” in a more or less dominant way, often becomes a failure.

This person has become accustomed to the security and attention of dominance and now desperately wants to get and keep security and attention from everyone around him. Of course, he does not always get this.

If such a child comes to school, he expects the same helpful “teasing” from the teacher as from the caregiver at home. If this need is no longer met by the environment, which is very often the case, defiance and self-pity develop.

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The child has not yet taken responsibility for himself and his actions. He was always guided, led, managed, and set goals. If this is suddenly no longer the case, the learned worldview is shaken. This often leads to the feeling of “I feel neglected.” The disregarded person will do anything to force the supposedly necessary attention on himself.

Such a person has tremendous difficulty establishing any connection with his potential. He is too busy to create enough guilt in his environment because he is so neglected that he has no time and possibility for himself and his self-love. In this sense, self-love is understandable as an individualization process. Only the human being who can recognize himself as an individual is one with himself and nature.

Love is the central theme of the heart organ.


Of course, these two remedies are insufficient to cure all diseases related to themes of the heart. They should serve as explicit examples so that the underlying theme of love and self-love can be grasped more easily.

Man is very resourceful when denying himself the claim of self-love. On the contrary, it is even quite tedious to uncover the facets present in acquired and never questioned patterns when a person decides to give his love to others instead of himself.

Often it is completely overlooked that only the ability to give love to oneself enables a human being to let other beings participate in it. Man can love everything that surrounds him, be it other people, animals, plants, or an event such as the passing of a cloud. This gift contains considerable potential as energy, which flows back through sharing a warming feeling and triggers joy.

How to Love the right way

However, the basis of this feeling is and always will be to bring oneself and one’s idiosyncrasies into harmony with this feeling first. Therefore, it is unsurprising that something is often “loved” incorrectly. The underlying thought may have been that if only I loved it strongly enough, it would change to suit my desires. If it is “loved to death,” you can still think of it as it might have been.

This kind of love is sung about, lamented, and grieved. The beloved flower is placed in a vase to wither. The beloved wife is placed in a golden cage, and the beloved cat is fed to the point of immobility. The vernacular speaks of it in rhymes:

“You say you love the flowers, but you pick them off, so I get anxious and reac with fear when you tell me you love me.”

It is rather frightening for most people when they hear they are loved because they still deeply and firmly expect them to be punished because of their peculiarities that have not yet been revealed. These very people have not yet had the chance to be themselves enough to accept themselves as they are and to love themselves for that very reason.

The original article about heart disease was written by Antonie Peppler and translated by Christian Köhlert.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or make an appointment for a homeopathic online consultation.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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