The psychological meaning of malaria

by | May 30, 2022 | Infectious and pediatric diseases, Symptom Language

In this treatise, we will translate the psychological meaning of malaria according to the understanding of Antonie Peppler, the inventor of Creative Homeopathy, and her breakdown of symptom language. From her viewpoint, “symptom language” is a form of somatic communication—the “soma” respectively the “material body” expresses an inner conflict that the person is not conscious of. Accordingly, we composed a list of corresponding homeopathic remedies that adjust this disharmony. The critical psychological meaning of malaria is associated with the end of specific traditional habits.

Malaria from a homeopathic perspective

While the malaria patient has followed habitual but foreign-infiltrated patterns of thought and action for generations, he now becomes aware of his dependence on other people and traditions. The only question was whether the personality should join others or rebel against others.

“The end of traditional habits”


Malaria usually somatizes with an intense fever and shivering. These conditions symbolize that the patient is caught between furious anger for betraying his unique individuality and “shivering fear” based on possible consequences that might derive from exposing one’s true self. From malaria, the possibility can be recognized to decide for oneself and listen to the inner feelings and impulses, expressing one’s voice. This process creates the basis for selfresponsibility.

Best Homeopathic remedies for malaria

The psychological meaning of homeopathic remedies

  • Boletus laricis = Everything remains the same, frozen of dependence
  • China officinalis = Feeling dependent and enslaved
  • Chininum sulfuricum = Dependence should not be realized
  • Natrium muriaticum = Holding on to what is proven and known
  • Quercus e glandibus = Lack of stamina by suppression of feelings
  • Veratrum album = Self-betrayal

Psychological Meaning of infectious diseases

Infectious diseases like malaria generally refer to fundamental issues and beliefs that a person wants and needs to deal with. These are behavioral habits brought along by the family, which can and should be overcome by living through those illnesses. This meaning also applies to childhood illnesses or pediatric diseases. They indicate that life themes are still emotionally judged and thus are pathogenic.

Other infectious diseases

Homeopathy for Body & Soul

This article is an excerpt from the book “Homeopathy for Body and Soul” which was written by Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the most common symptoms and diseases.

More about symptom language | Buy on Book On Demand

Homeopathy for Body and Soul book by Antonie Peppler mockup

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions or are looking for homeopathic consultation online, feel free to contact our team.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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