
Food from a psychological perspective

by | May 19, 2022 | Homeopathy Articles

What meaning does food have from a psychological perspective? This is an essential question in Creative Homeopathy because we can extrapolate a psychological and, therefore, a homeopathic condition from the cravings and aversions of specific elements. Antonie Peppler, the inventor of Creative Homeopathy, wrote many books about this topic. In this short article, she gives us a basic overview of the most critical psychological topics related to the food we eat daily.

The psychological meaning of food

If it is true that man—as it is said in a German proverb—should be able to live off of air and love, then it would have to be clarified what this sentence “love” actually means. As a further question arises, why do we eat then?!

Eating from the tree of knowledge

Let us take the Bible literally, in which it is said that Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge. This can only mean that the paradisiacal condition was much too dull, and both wanted to know how the earth, like matter and the concept of duality, works altogether. After this curiosity attack, which began with an apple, it became “interesting.”

Einstein’s theory of matter

Suppose we add Albert Einstein to our considerations, who said that matter is nothing but condensed energy. In that case, we can assume that behind every food must be a message or information that has materialized, that is, condensed.

Consistently concluding, eating is therefore absorption of information, thus recognizing, researching, breaking down, and processing knowledge!

Antonie Peppler

Brain and intestine

If we imagine a brain and compare this with a somewhat nicely arranged intestine, then similarities are noticeable. Both are organs that process and “digest” information that want to be integrated into the “self,” which is a matter of information transfer and processing.

Processing and digestion

Whether the act of processing works flawlessly depends on the personality and if it can unconditionally dissect and integrate the underlying topic encoded in the food. In other words, the more unprejudiced a subject is looked at and integrated, the fewer adverse effects occur. Being biased can show any form of disease symptoms. The more a particular topic is judged or evaluated, i.e., preloaded with negative experiences, the more problematic the processing is.

Digestive disorders, such as flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc., are the consequences.

Allergies as an unconscious form of expression

It becomes even more problematic if the person is no longer even aware that the message of a particular food is negatively evaluated in him. In such a case, only his body reacts, and we have a classic case of food allergy that manifests with severe symptoms. Depending on the subject, this can show as a skin reaction, digestive problem, breathing disorder, chronic fungal infection, and much more.

Homeopathic meanings of our food

To crystallize the core meaning that each food holds, let’s name some specific examples:


  • Seduction
  • desire for sexuality
  • wants to live with creativity


  • traditional behavior
  • shape: a personal light comes to me


  • needlessness
  • the absolutely necessary
  • basic needs


  • the not yet developed potential
  • the desire for eggs: I would like to be allowed finally and able to do something


  • wants to be carried
  • wants to swim along in the “mainstream.”
  • clinging to the old


  • fight and struggle
  • stand up for oneself
  • taking responsibility


  • guilt / feeling guilty
  • the shape of the coffee bean: feeling like the “rear end.”


  • want to set oneself apart
  • create supposed security


  • want to be taken care of
  • want to be held
  • want to be protected


  • want to “crack” difficult problems
  • i.e., want or need to solve problems


  • first the work, then the pleasure
  • puts back the own, what corresponds to him, to settle “sour” (rhubarb is sour)
  • what is good is rejected; everything else is preferred

Raw food

  • to confront oneself with suffering and hardship
  • having to deal with the sober reality


  • clinging to the old sorrow
  • the “salt” in the soup of life


  • substitute for love pseudo happiness, pseudo enlightenment
  • does not want to cope with conflicts and feelings of powerlessness


  • the “bluff” or illusion in the support
  • energy is supplied for a short time but cannot be used sensibly
  • The patient who has a great craving for sugar is looking for support.

Perhaps he is in a sad situation. He has had the actual experience of not actually being able to do anything with the support he received in life, e.g., in his childhood – but has become accustomed to it.

A homeopathic medicine indicated for sugar cravings would be Argentum nitricum. This has the psychological significance of the lack of nest warmth. Another is Calcium carbonicum with its psychological meaning of wanting “proper” support.

So the one who is craving sugar

The person who craves sugar must learn to say “yes” or “no” and also to take their own stand and find stability within themselves rather than wanting to be supported by others.

Aversion to sugar

Those who have an aversion to sugar need a homeopathic remedy, such as Causticum carbonicum Hahnemanni. This remedy has the psychological meaning of being emotionally hurt and therefore feeling the need to build a wall around oneself.

This condition indicates that a person with sugar aversion will accept danger rather than help and support from others. He rejects aid from others to avoid possible injury.

So, the person who rejects sugar must learn to to put trust in other people and to open up emotionally.

Antonie Peppler

Homeopathic Conclusion

This example shows that every food has a spiritual message or informational content. Every person who ate from the tree of knowledge has made it his task to recognize the spiritual processes in the matter and thus redeem them, that is, to dissolve and integrate them.

The experience made so far with the solid substance, the food reflects the personal valuation of the subject hidden behind it so far, i.e., the psychological meaning of the food. This process is independent of whether the person is aware of it.

Only by, for example, taking the homeopathically prepared theme in a non-material form is it possible to become aware of one’s own valuation and judgments. Up to now, this valuation and the disharmony embedded in a particular judgment have mainly materialized unconsciously in the form of symptoms.

  • Nutrition is, therefore, information transfer – LEARNING!
  • Detoxification is, therefore, the elimination of a negative valuation!
  • Diet is thus a pretty clear exclusion of certain subjects!

The human being, who can live on air and love, has made a comprehensive cognition process and has been able to process all topics value-neutrally—unbiased. Thus he has reached an ideal state, the high goal of enlightenment.

The original article about food and homeopathy was written by Antonie Peppler and translated by Christian Köhlert.
Picture by Pexels of Pixabay

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or make an appointment for a homeopathic online consultation.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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