The Psychological Meaning of Pulsatilla pratensis

by | Sep 15, 2022 | Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies

This article is an excerpt from the book “The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies” regarding Pulsatilla pratensis. The double-volume compilation was written by Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, who psychologically investigated the most potent remedies and the mental imprints behind common illnesses.

Pulsatilla pratensis as a homeopathic remedy

Typical Indications of Pulsatilla pratensis; puls; Windflower

  • amenorrhea = absence of menstruation
  • otitis media
  • PMS = premenstrual syndrome
  • difficulties during pregnancy
  • cannot digest fat
  • varicosis

Key Symptoms

weeps easily ‹sa››› wants to create an emotional distraction
symptoms ever changing ‹sa››› cannot decide what has priority, distracts
thirstlessness with nearly all complaints ‹sa››› emotions are not allowed
better in cold air and from cold applications ‹sn››› better with lack of emotions and distance

Additional Selected Symptoms

praying ‹sk››› hopes that the unpleasant situation will soon be over, surrenders the responsibility
unconsciousness in a crowded room ‹sk››› wants to fulfill all expectations but cannot and withdraws
fear, evening, twilight ‹sk››› cannot lose control
mildness ‹sk››› doesn’t allow himself anything special
complaints from fright ‹sk››› a repressed conflict threatens to catch up to him
sits still ‹sk››› doesn’t show what he would like for himself
weeping, tearful mood, when telling of her sickness ‹sk››› creates emotional distraction to avoid the confrontation
disgust ‹sk››› feels dependent
doubtful of soul’s welfare ‹sk››› has acted with full consciousness against himself, expects punishment
headache, after ice cream ‹sk››› doesn’t want to ruin things with others and tries to keep his emotions under control
sleeplessness through twitching of the limbs ‹sk››› because the pressure from the problem is great, he refuses to work it through
stretching before urinating ‹sk››› first wants to reach his true stature before he opens himself emotionally
bathing the affected parts amel. ‹sk››› wants clarity on his suppressed issues
milk, non-pregnant women ‹sk››› offers nourishment in order to be further supported
diarrhea, after the slightest indiscretion in eating ‹sk››› fears not being able to completely fulfill the expectations

The Psychology of Pulsatilla pratensis

Actual Life Situation of Pulsatilla

Just like windflowers during severe weather conditions, the individual resonating with Pulsatilla pratensis usually buries his head in the sand. He is afraid to confront things and make decisions. Through suppression, the feelings are collected but not mastered and integrated.

Pulsatilla pratensis Message (high potency)

“Confront yourself with your life!”

Message of Pulsatilla pratensis

Condition After Taking the Remedy (high potency)

After Pulsatilla pratensis it becomes evident that the personality wants nothing to do with life’s ambivalence and hardness (ant-c). If it is to live despite (cham) this, then it wants support (calc-p), which, however, brings dependency (chin, cupr). The refusal to face a confrontation is compensated by, for example, doing one’s duty (apis) and renunciation of life’s pleasures (stann).

“Buries head in the sand, lack of confrontation.”

Corresponding imprint of Pulsatilla pratensis

The Psychological Meaning
of Homeopathic remedies

This article is an excerpt from the book “The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies” which was the first publication of Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the 190 most significant treatments in homeopathy. In her 2nd volume, she added another 160 analyses.

You can order “The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies – Vol. I” in physical form from Books on Demand (BoD) or as a digital PDF. Also available is Volume II as Books on Demand or PDF download.

The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies book by Antonie Peppler mockup


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About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or get an appointment for online consultation.

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