
The homeopathic treatment of the nose

by | Jun 20, 2022 | Head-body scheme, Head/Brain, Symptom Language

This article will decode the psychological meaning and homeopathic treatment of the nose according to the research of Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, and her study of symptom language.

According to her interpretation, “symptom language” is a form of somatic communication—the “soma” (meaning the material body) or the subconsciousness by utilizing the physical body communicates an internal conflict that the person must become aware of to balance himself. This balancing movement is based on the understanding that health is a natural state which comes with mental, physical, and spiritual equilibrium.

The psychological meaning of the nose

The nose is considered a sign of personality and courage to live in all cultures. Thereby it is exceptionally evaluated like in the German proverb “to carry the nose high,” which is understood as pride. The man’s nose is further associated, correctly or falsely, is to be left open, corresponding in size and shape to his reproduction organ. On the other hand, the primary function, the smell, symbolizes a primal organ for assessing first contact. Thus, the statement that “one cannot smell someone” has a double meaning.

In German, we also use the paraphrase that one “should touch his own nose” when confronted with accusations that seem to be projections by the one who is blaming us. Through the nose, we present our personality, and when we “touch our nose,” we make contact with ourselves and question our character.

List of nose-related issues in this article

The importance of pimples on the nose

The psychological meaning of pimples on the nose is a clear indicator for others. We signal that our personality is agitated, which we can’t show directly. In doing so, we show – for example, with a pimple on our nose – our anger about the fact that our personality may or may not be recognized.

The inability to express one’s feelings and emotions appropriately is the challenge of individualization. The following homeopathic remedies correspond to the psychological imprints associated with pimples on the nose.

Homeopathic remedies for Nose pimples

  • Alumina = The own position is missing
  • Cannabis sativa = One’s own position is not claimed; identity abandoned
  • Fluoricum acidum = The “chemistry” is not right, cannot live and let live
  • Palladium metallicum = The “dear child” wants to be admired, confirmed
  • Plantago major = Lack of recognition of life vision leads to a fixed view of life
  • Teucrium marum verum = Lack of self-expression, lack of natural frequency

The psychological meaning of nasal fracture

A nasal fracture is psychologically associated with self-doubt in the form of “questioning oneself” and a profound impact on the personality structure, which potentially causes such questions. The individuals with such a condition mainly questioned their character unconsciously due to negative feedback from their peers.

Since a person does not feel respected, he allows himself to be injured down to the basic structure. The following homeopathic remedies, used as a treatment for nose fractures, formulate the underlying mental imprints.

Homeopathic remedies for nasal fractures

  • Fluoricum acidum = The “chemistry” is not right, not being able to live and let live
  • Rauwolfia serpentina = Fighting for infiltrated values of others without realizing it
  • Symphytum officinalis = Suffering to the point of collapse, being broken

The psychological meaning of nosebleed

The nosebleed psychologically symbolizes a substantial impact on the individual’s core values for personal happiness and feeling of security. The personality has lost its zest for life by believing it always has to fight for its rights. Inner safety and assertiveness are missing and must be regained or retrieved. The following homeopathic remedies tackle the underlying beliefs and imprints that need mental balance to recover stability and confidence.

Homeopathic remedies for nosebleed

  • Arnica Montana = Retreating injured, isolating oneself
  • Bryonia alba = Clinging to norms and traditions because individuality is not yet developed
  • Carbo vegetabilis = Life force is not used for healthy self-interest
  • Crocus sativus = Does not dare to live one’s specialness
  • Ferrum phosphoricum = Continuous struggle in life repeats itself in the same way
  • Hamamelis virginiana = Worships suffering as the purpose of life

The psychological meaning of a red nose

The psychological meaning of a red nose is associated with suppressed emotional hurt. It is generally considered a symbol of representation of one’s personality, a beacon: If it is hot and inflamed, we become more honest. For example, in the case of alcoholics under the effect of alcohol: the suppressed creativity becomes more accessible, and the person becomes more genuine.

The red nose indicates that the individual is “burning” to be recognized and show his personality. Thus, the character does not feel acknowledged but is often disregarded and disgraced. The homeopathic remedies for treating a red nose give us a hind regarding the underlying psychological imprints.

Homeopathic remedies for red nose

  • Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
  • Borax veneta = Feeling used and discarded
  • Carbo animals = Abandonment of the development of willpower
  • China officinalis = Feeling dependent and enslaved
  • Kalium carbonicum = Ignorance of one’s own needs
  • Phosphorus = The traumatized energy of life, always the same
  • Zincum metallicum = Apparent dignity and discipline instead of feelings

The psychological meaning of a cold nose

Coldness, particularly a cold nose, is psychologically associated with frustration. The cold nose shows that the personality is in a frustrating situation where it does not feel accepted or can find purpose. However, the personality has avoided conflict and confrontation. Still, the cold nose is a clear indicator of his inner life. The psychological imprints responsible for getting stuck in such a situation can be found in the corresponding homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathic remedies for a cold nose

  • Camphora officinalis = Pulling oneself mentally out of bad situation
  • Carbo vegetabilis = Life force is not used for healthy self-interest
  • Cistus canadensis = Scars of the soul block grounding
  • Crotalus horridus = Trapped in inculcated infiltrated obligation
  • Hippomanes = Embryo takes on mother’s suffering
  • Lac caninum = Manipulative provider or mother relationship
  • Taraxacum officinale = The frustrated do-gooder
  • Veratrum album = The self-betrayal

The meaning of cough, cold, and hoarseness

Coughing due to having a cold with related symptoms like hoarseness is mainly connected with weather shifts—the “wind of change” blows. One freeze and fears not being recognized or kept from one’s goals. Fever symbolizes anger about it. The red nose indicates the demands of the desire for acknowledgment of one’s own personality and respect. One has had enough and coughs, which is a form of barking at something or the others because one does not want to suffer anymore or does not feel like making another noise.

Some “frog in the throat” becomes a full-grown toad, which no longer modestly clears its throat or coughs but is loudly “barking” and demands recognition. The mental disposition present in a person suffering from a cold is represented by the homeopathic remedies used for treatment and their psychological meaning.

Homeopathic treatment of Acute Rhinitis

Acute rhinitis symbolizes a psychological state of overwhelming discontent. The German emblematic proverb: “Having a nose full” indicates that someone is fed-up with a particular situation. The nose tingles, and we withdraw. The impairment of our personality or the “frosty” contact with each other makes us do so.

We rack our brains, which is indicated by headaches, but even “slimy friendly” interaction, symbolized by a running nose, can’t change anything: We have – proverbially and symbolically – had enough. We often can’t and don’t want to smell the others anymore, and our red nose shows how hurt and little-recognized our personality is. Just as there are many possible reasons why a person can have a “nose full,” many helpful homeopathic remedies correspond to the underlying psychological imprints.

Homeopathic remedies for Acute Rhinitis

  • Allium cepa = Fighting on lost ground
  • Carbo vegetabilis = Vitality is not used for healthy self-interest
  • Hydrastis canadensis = Denies the zest for life and blames others for it
  • Kalium bichromicum = Acts Slimy friendly, ignores own needs
  • Pulsatilla pratensis = Puts head in the sand, lack of confrontation
  • Sepia succus = Longing for harmony, which must correspond to one’s own ideas

Homeopathic treatment of Chronic Rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis is based on the same conflicts as in an acute phase but is much more suppressed and pushed into the unconscious. A chronic illness is always the manifestation of a heavily evaluated theme, which has reoccurred in frequent repetitions.

Regardless of the topic behind the personality violation, the history of such an infringement on the true inner self can only be interrupted via the resolution of the suppressed theme/trauma and the associated belief system. In doing so, however, it is helpful to strengthen the personality and bring it back from thinking to feeling. Mind and logic need to be balanced with feeling, emotions, and intuition. The following homeopathic remedies support the treatment.

Homeopathic remedies for Chronic Rhinitis

  • Bryonia alba = Clinging to norms and traditions, as individuality is not yet developed
  • Calcium carbonicum = Refusing life, wanting support
  • Natrium muriaticum = Holding on to what is tried and known
  • Silicea = Being dominated by mind, feelings are pushed away by injury
  • Spongia tosta = Desire to gain protection by adaptation
  • Sulphur = Awareness is suppressed

Homeopathic treatment of sinusitis

Sinus catarrh, called sinusitis, can be classified into two manifestations in different areas—in the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Generally, the psychological root of this condition is indicated by over-friendliness and “slimy (mucous) behavior,” constricting and clogging the sinuses.

the psychological meaning of the Frontal Sinuses

If the frontal sinuses are affected, one should have stood up to someone and allowed the conflict instead of considering all possibilities repeatedly without acting. In the process, the pressure becomes greater and greater. Painful congestion results: one “racks one’s brain” and wants to impose a rational solution (forehead headache). One’s own “slimy” adaptation has hardened, manifested itself, and settled into a pattern of behavior.

Commitment and security thinking are more important than fulfilling one’s own needs. The individual with frontal sinusitis attempts to obtain the most outstanding possible security and protection of and from others through mind control. In the process, one’s own accurate inherent requirements become increasingly ignored.

Homeopathic remedies for Frontal Sinuses

  • Kalium bichromicum = Acting slimy friendly, ignoring one’s own needs
  • Kalium iodatum = Ignores the feeling of not being loved
  • Silicea = Mentally dominated, feelings are pushed away by injury
  • Sticta pulmonaria = The serving cleaning lady

the psychological meaning of the maxillary sinuses

If the maxillary sinuses located under the cheekbone are affected, the expression and distinctive feature of one’s personality has been violated. To show one’s true self is distressing, which is indicated by facial pain. One does not dare to show contour or perceive and/or present oneself in one’s difference. Thereby, the nose is “chronically full” because no action is taken, and no change is initiated.

If one bends, the pressure becomes unbearable in the short term. The individual needs to straighten up, which is meant in a double sense, This metaphorical and physical movement supports the process and eases the pain. Recurring sniffles—being slime-friendly again—brings short-term relief but does not dissolve the more profound subject matter, which is often hidden in suppressed or unconscious trauma. The underlying imprints can be found in the psychological meaning of the homeopathic remedies used to treat the maxillary sinuses.

Homeopathic remedies for maxillary sinuses

  • Comocladia dentata = Disappointed vision of the community
  • Hepar sulfuric = Wanting to change others, to strengthen one’s own security
  • Potassium iodatum = Ignores the feeling of not being loved
  • Mercurius solubilis = One’s life force does not find form and is sacrificed for others
  • Paris quadrifolia = Taking responsibility for others, for belonging to a group
  • Phosphorus = The traumatized life force, always the same
  • Silicea = Mentally dominated, feelings are pushed away by injury
  • Verbascum thapsus = Fear of violence, the human being overrides

The homeopathic meaning of atrophic rhinitis: ozaena

The homeopathic meaning of atrophic rhinitis, also called ozaena, is associated with an individual retreating into loneliness. Atrophic, dissolving decay of the personality, slimy friendliness for one’s own protection is no longer endured. Withdrawal and turning away.

The constant sensation in the nose makes it irrevocably clear to others that they “stink” to the person. Ozaena is usually of syphilitic origin and symbolizes pleasure and joy (not only in the sexual sense) are generally rejected. The subconsciously engraved imprint that suffering and anguish have a high value in life is rooted in religious doctrines in family belief structures.

Homeopathic remedies for atrophic rhinitis (ozaena)

  • Comocladia dentata = Disappointed vision of the community
  • Hepar sulfuric = Wanting to change others, to strengthen one’s own security
  • Potassium iodatum = Ignores the feeling of not being loved
  • Mercurius solubilis = One’s life force does not find form and is sacrificed for others
  • Paris quadrifolia = Taking responsibility for others, for belonging to a group
  • Phosphorus = The traumatized life force, always the same
  • Silicea = Mentally dominated, feelings are pushed away by injury
  • Verbascum thapsus = Fear of violence, the human being overrides

Homeopathy for Body & Soul

This article is an excerpt from the book “Homeopathy for Body and Soul” which was written by Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the most common symptoms and diseases.

More about symptom language | Buy on Book On Demand

Homeopathy for Body and Soul book by Antonie Peppler mockup

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions or are looking for homeopathic consultation online, feel free to contact our team.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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