The homeopathic treatment of the ears

by | Jun 19, 2022 | Head-body scheme, Head/Brain, Symptom Language

This article will decode the homeopathic meaning and treatment of the ears according to the research of Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, and her analysis of symptom language.

According to her interpretation, “symptom language” is a form of somatic transmission—the “soma” (meaning the physical body) or the subconsciousness by utilizing the material body communicates an internal conflict that the person must become aware of to balance himself. Accordingly, health is a natural condition that comes with mental or spiritual equilibrium.

The psychological meaning of the ears

The ear is an organ of balance on various levels. That which penetrates from the outside should be brought into harmony with that which exists inside. It is about the balance of the outer and inner world. The goal is to integrate the outside. The fact that the balance (organ) can also be damaged in the process is no coincidence: after all, many things we hear can “throw us off track.” Realizing that the outside is a mirror of the inside leads us back to inner balance.

List of ear impairments in this article

hearing canal inflammation – otitis externa

Hearing canal inflammation or otitis externa is psychologically associated with suppressed anger about having to listen to something. The illness often starts with minor injuries in the external auditory canal: earwax – the supple protection – is often missing. The inflammation symbolizes irritation at listening to something – banal in itself – to belong to or control a person, group, or situation. The agitation derives from the expectations formulated as compensation resulting from the “listening job,” which are not fulfilled.

With constant secretion, subconscious attempts are made to ignore the necessary changes and “keep everything pliable.” This condition can lead to hearing loss, the denial of perception that completely blocks any thought of transformation. The underlying psychological imprints can be found in the homeopathic treatment and remedies related to otitis externa.

Homeopathic treatment for otitis externa

  • Arsenicum iodatum = Conviction never to be nourished and loved
  • Borax veneta = Feeling used and discarded
  • Ferrum phosphoricum = Continuous struggle in life repeated in the same way
  • Hepar sulfuric = Wanting to change others to strengthen one’s own security
  • Psorinum = Lack arises from isolation
  • Tellurium metallicum = Denies one’s possibilities, prefers to remain the plaything of others

The psychological meaning of tubal catarrh

A tubal catarrh psychologically symbolizes that the individual is turning away from conflict and is in denial. The pressure in the ear due to cold leads to hearing loss. One has “had enough” but feels under stress by what he hears or perceives and ultimately does not want to hear truths and does not want to encounter realities. The individual with this mental condition “shuts down.” So he puts everything “on quiet,” always hoping not to have to hear, perceive and thus implement the associated conflicts.

At the same time, the “pressure in the ear” symbolizes a warning to the counterpart: “If you put me under even more “tension,” I won’t hear you at all anymore…”. – or more correctly: “…I won’t listen to you at all anymore.” The basis is a deep refusal to live—the person is fed up with life and identifies with another reference person to find protection. One’s identity is lost in the process, and one’s needs are not perceived.

If we look at the standard tubal catarrh treatment with homeopathy, we find the following remedies and their psychological meaning that indicate the underlying imprints of this condition.

Homeopathic remedies for tubal catarrh

  • Asarum europaeum = The identification
  • Hydrastis canadensis = Denies the lust for life and blames others for it
  • Iodum = Not feeling nourished, not feeling loved
  • Kalium bichromicum = Becoming slimy friendly; ignores one’s own needs
  • Kalium sulfuricum = Refuses to note that he ignores his needs
  • Sanguinaria canadensis = Believes he is no longer allowed to participate in life

The psychology of Middle ear infection – otitis media

Middle ear infection or otitis media is psychologically associated with an agitation towards the inner voice. The inner and outer voices clash. The individual is angry about the dichotomy deriving from conflicting information. This is based on the situation that the opinions coming from the outside and others disagree with what the inner voice expresses—feeling the need to conform to belong to a community without being allowed to disagree.

At the same time, it is also a boundary matter—of not wanting to listen. By which ear is affected, the conflict relationship partner can be identified—left: female; right side: male. Anger about this condition, which expresses with fever, and the frustration of not (yet) being able to articulate oneself go hand in hand with a denial attitude expressed in the hearing loss.

Homeopathic treatment for otitis media

  • Ferrum phosphoricum = The continuous struggle for life repeats itself in the same way
  • Hepar sulfuric = Wanting to change others to strengthen one’s own security
  • Kalium bichromicum = Becoming slimy friendly; ignoring one’s own needs
  • Kalium muriaticum = Fundamental abandonment of one’s own needs
  • Pulsatilla pratensis = Puts one’s head in the sand, lack of confrontation
  • Tellurium metallicum = Denies its possibility and prefers to remain the plaything of others

The homeopathic meaning of mastoiditis

Otitis media can further escalate into a condition which is called mastoiditis. It is psychologically associated with individuals that can’t mentally cope with a specific external perspective. Mastoiditis is a dreaded complication of otitis media attacking the adjacent bones: What is heard becomes such an emotionally painful experience that one’s own structure is damaged. The inner voice, one’s own inner security, is destroyed by the dichotomy between inside and outside. This condition is rooted in the foul compromise due to an exaggerated need for security.

Why an individual is prone to suppress his inner wisdom in favor of an unbearable external perception is related to various psychological imprints found in the meaning of corresponding homeopathic remedies. The typical treatment in homeopathy for mastoiditis is listed below.

Homeopathic remedies for mastoiditis

  • Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
  • Calcium fluoricum = Seeks stability at any price; not yet found the inner center
  • Capsicum annuum = Not yet found the inner center or have lost it
  • Fluoricum acidum = The “chemistry” is not right not being able to live and let live
  • Silicea = Being mentally dominated; feelings are pushed away by injury

shingles on the ear – zoster oticus

Shingles on the ear, which are called zoster oticus, are homeopathically related to a psychological condition in regard to self-esteem. Zoster oticus is a rare consequence of an ear canal or middle ear infection. It combines turning away from the outside world (hearing loss) and the inability to lead processing experiences (nerve inflammations). Necessary change procedures in favor of one’s self-esteem are implemented only with difficulty or not at all.

Like most ear impairments or diseases to the ability to hear or listen, an underlying psychological condition or imprint makes it hard for the individual to confront and discern a different perspective. Any conflicting points of view that one has to hear lead to inflammation which symbolizes suppressed anger. The homeopathic treatment and the meaning of the homeopathic remedies give a further clue on the psychological context.

Homeopathic treatment for Zoster oticus

  • Cedron cimaruba = Injured need for security
  • Ferroginea = Hurt need for security; forces to defiant independence
  • Mezereum = Role-playing instead of individual development
  • Rhus toxicodendron = Feels fixed and constricted, wants to escape

Ossification of the ossicle – otosclerosis

Ossification of the ossicle, called otosclerosis, is psychologically associated with the inability to conflict with what one hears. This condition derives from “ossified obedience” based on fear of life and the anxiety to develop one’s individuality. The individual rejects possibilities for growth. These options are not used and not even perceived. The person disagrees with what he hears but leaves everything as it is. He refuses to accept things in a (self-)disciplining harshness and thus prevents both the penetration of external influences and possible developments.

The underlying psychological imprints that lead to stubborn suppression of one’s opinion while patiently listening to external creeds that one internally rejects are associated with various imprints. Those mental programs are described by the homeopathic remedies used in otosclerosis treatment.

Homeopathic remedies for otosclerosis

  • Adrenalinum hydrochloricum = Traumatic rushing to reach a (survival) goal
  • Barium muriaticum = The feeling of total powerlessness
  • Calcium fluoricum = Seeks support at any price
  • Graphites naturalis = Sits between two chairs
  • Hekla lava = Individual life energy is misused
  • Phosphorus = Traumatized life energy, always being the same
  • Silicea = Being mentally dominated; feelings are pushed away by injury

The homeopathic meaning of sudden hearing loss

Hearing loss is the outcome of most illnesses related to the ear. Usually, a lasting inflammation period is involved, indicating an accumulation of unprocessed anger. Still, the phenomenon of sudden and acute hearing loss seems to come out of the blue, which is psychologically associated with an emotional shock. Intense emotional stress or severe conflicts with a female (left) or male (right) relationship person has had a tremendous impact. “Feelings of pressure” are no longer endured. Sometimes, the conflicting relationship individual does not have to be in the immediate vicinity or environment.

Neither the inner nor the outer voices are allowed to be perceived. This sensation of sudden hearing loss was often preceded by powerful emotional moments in which the self-love (heart = self-love) aspect has been disturbed. Even the longing for death might take over, which is indicated by the drop in blood pressure. The underlying psychological imprints and traumata related to sudden and acute hearing loss show in the homeopathic remedies used for treatment.

Homeopathic remedies for hearing loss

  • Causticum = Due to severe injury, having built an emotional wall
  • Chininum sulfuricum = Dependence should not be realized
  • Digitalis purpurea = Emotional shock, out of security into a confrontation
  • Elaps corallinus = Through inner pressure, creativity arises
  • Gelsemium sempervirens = Expectation anxiety from withheld emotion
  • Magnesium muriaticum = Being at war; the inner and outer conflict
  • Niccolum metallicum = The severed head; separation of mind and emotion
  • Silicea = Being mentally dominated; feelings are pushed away by injury

The psychology of Ringing in the ears – tinnitus

The sound of ringing in the ears, called tinnitus, is psychologically associated with various underlying conditions. Primarily, it is seen as the inner voice that wants to make itself heard. It also can be individual background noise based on repetitions of noises from shock situations that have not been processed yet. This interpretation also originates from the unconscious pressing for confrontation and devaluation of emotional imprints.

Depending on understanding such connections, one can also speak of contacts to spiritual worlds. Also, tinnitus is connected with discrepancies or extreme divergences between desires and goals and their realization, which causes inner distress and can disturb perception. External voices are blocked through hearing loss. Still, the inner voice is not yet perceived as clear enough, and the message is not understood. This inability leads to further tension and anxiety and ultimately into a “vicious circle.” A realization is missing.

The contact with the inner voice, the grounding, must first be (re)established. The individual conflict behind it needs to be identified. Often we can also find unresolved disputes, issues, and contacts with the deceased as the phenomenon’s roots. The possible imprints related to tinnitus can be found in the psychological meaning of the homeopathic remedies used in treatment.

Homeopathic treatment for tinnitus

  • Actea spicata = Fears own mental abyss, compensates with blaming and complaining
  • Barium carbonicum = Development inhibition due to fear of life and self-responsibility
  • Elaps corallinus = Creativity arises from inner pressure
  • Magnesium carbonicum = Believes that one can only assert one’s own needs through warfare
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart

The meaning of Menier’s disease (rotary vertigo)

Menier’s disease is rotary vertigo that derives from the ears. The congestion of the tissue fluid in the inner ear symbolizes the blockage of emotions and the inability to let experiences flow. The pressure between both hemispheres, representing the male and female aspects of one’s being, mind, and intuition, becomes excessive.

The one-sided evaluation of the feelings or the domination of the mind regarding one’s discernment leads to imbalance. This often derives from imprints related to conflicts between mother and father in terms of “either/or.” Meniere’s disease stems from the refusal to change evaluations to reach inner balance. This inability is further based on other imprints that prevent confrontation and this coming to equilibrium. Some of these mental programs are encoded in the psychological mean of the homeopathic remedies associated with this condition

Homeopathic remedies for Menier’s disease

  • Carboneum sulfuratum = Believes to be special; split personality
  • Castoreum canadense = Emotional distraction
  • Ferrum phosphoricum = Perpetual life struggle repeats itself in the same way
  • Onosmodium virginianum = Rigidly clinging to beliefs
  • Tabacum = Withdrawal due to insecurity

Homeopathy for Body & Soul

This article is an excerpt from the book “Homeopathy for Body and Soul” which was written by Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the most common symptoms and diseases.

More about symptom language | Buy on Book On Demand

Homeopathy for Body and Soul book by Antonie Peppler mockup

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions or are looking for homeopathic consultation online, feel free to contact our team.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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