
The homeopathic treatment of the eyes

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Head-body scheme, Head/Brain, Symptom Language

This article will decode the homeopathic meaning and treatment of the eyes according to the research of Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, and her analysis of symptom language.

According to her interpretation, “symptom language” is a form of somatic communication—the “soma” (meaning the material body) or the subconsciousness by utilizing the material body expresses an internal conflict that the individual must become aware of to balance itself. Health is a natural state which comes with mental equilibrium.

The psychological meaning of the eyes

With our eyes, we perceive our environment preferably as it is. If unprocessed experiences and evaluations of already encountered topics flow into the “visible outside,” our perception becomes emotionally colored and distorted. This mental condition will eventually create a feedback loop and manifest as a sickness related to the eyes.

In this relation between mind and body, we also find the connection to the liver—which stands for self-worth. If we make too many compromises, our self-esteem is damaged, and the eye may also deteriorate: the individual view is not appreciated. One “closes” the eyes and withdraws awareness and attention from the true inner self.

List of eye impairments in this article

The meaning of sand in the eye

The psychological meaning of having sand in the eye is associated with a distorted point of view. This sensation is independent of having a physical object that could create such irritation. Those individuals with such a psychosomatic condition adopted an external perception instead of looking at life from their own point of view. The conflict is the gap between one’s personal view and the infiltrated one. People with such a repeating sensation are influenced by extraneous information and unresolved injuries—unprocessed trauma. The homeopathic remedies and treatments listed below describe typical imprints related to this pathology.

Homeopathic remedies for sand in the eye

  • Fluoricum acidum = The “chemistry” is not right, not able to live and let live
  • Paeonia officinalis = One’s own equilibrium is lost due to the support of others
  • Corallium rubrum = Not wanting to get involved with the otherness of people
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart
  • Natrium muriaticum = Holding on to what is proven and known

The meaning of tearfulness, watery eyes

The meaning of tearfulness and watery eyes is associated with suppressed and unconscious anguish and despair. Primarily, those who constantly have “water shooting into their eyes,” which react with lacrimation or watery eyes, finally want to live out their grief and can no longer prevent their emotions from forcing themselves to the surface. The following homeopathic treatments correspond to these related emotional dispositions.

Homeopathic remedies for watery eyes

  • Euphrasia officinalis = Not wanting to admit what you see
  • Sabadilla officinalis = Feeling like the last dirt
  • Allium cepa = Fighting on lost ground or lost cause
  • Scilla maritime = The imprint of defenselessness and helplessness blocks all possibilities
  • Ignatia amara = Emotion turned into the opposite by strong suppression
  • Natrium muriaticum = Holding on to what is proven and known

The psychology of stinging eye pain

If the eyes are hurting or a stinging sensation indicates infiltration of a foreign perception: One sees from another’s point of view, from the perspective that one has uncritically adopted, and is hurt because one feels compelled to look at things from an alienated point of view. The stinging pain in the eyes could be understood as a warning signal. If this happens regularly, a specific psychological imprint is present in the unconsciousness characterized by the homeopathic remedies below.

Homeopathic treatment for stinging eye pain

  • Arnica Montana = Withdraw injured, isolate oneself
  • Cinnabaris = Sacrifice personality for apparent helplessness of others
  • Euphrasia officinalis = Not wanting to admit what one sees
  • Hippomanes = Embryo takes over the suffering of the mother
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart
  • Thuja occidentalis = Shadowy sides are encapsulated and isolated

The meaning of Rashes on the eyelid

Rashes on the eyelid show that the individual finds it distressing to remain in a situation where one fails to look closely and face reality. Inflammation also indicates suppressed anger and scorn, which would accumulate further if one could see what is real. Therefore, the individual with rashes on the eyelids keeps emotions manageable by withdrawing from the obvious. The solution is to face reality and express one’s feelings. The following homeopathic remedies support this process.

Homeopathic remedies for eyelid rashes

  • Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
  • Bryonia alba = Clinging to norms and traditions, as individuality is not yet developed
  • Calcium carbonicum = Refusing to accept life, wanting support
  • Croton tiglium = Holding on to a constricting situation in order to be provided for and secure
  • Rhus toxicodendron = Feeling fixed and constricted, wanting to escape
  • Sanicula aqua = Having to survive in poisoned feelings
  • Selenium metallicum = Resigning oneself to infirmity out of weakness
  • Secale cornutum = Outsider, “black sheep” in a community

The meaning of nearsightedness/myopia

The meaning of nearsightedness or myopia is psychologically associated with individuals focusing on what is close at hand, resulting from insecurity. Out of fear of what is coming, one is mainly concerned with inner mental issues. The focus is often improved by pinching the eyes, a “blinky face” (from the Greek Myops): One looks pinched at what is coming. Control is to be retained to remain viable. The underlying psychological conditions can be found in the related homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic treatment for myopia

  • Agaricus muscarius = Feeling like a loser
  • Euphrasia officinalis = Not wanting to admit what one sees
  • Jaborandi = Others are given so much strength; the strength to go one’s own way is missing
  • Manganum aceticum = Life is hard
  • Physostigma venenosum = Seeks solution in a desperate situation without changing the fixed point of view
  • Ruta graveolens = Beating oneself up in an unpleasant situation

The meaning of farsightedness/hyperopia

Farsightedness is, above all, a “problem” of advancing age: not wanting to see what is close at hand due to old injuries and experiences, rejecting the mundane daily, also: feeling called to “higher callings,” and wanting to harvest the fruits from past labor.

If in youth, one still accommodates and compensates with a “sense of reality,” in old age, one rejects this, perceives only what one wants to perceive, and constructs life as one wants to see it. The underlying trauma-based imprints can be found in the homeopathic remedies used to treat farsightedness and its psychological meaning.

Remedies for farsightedness/hyperopia

  • Aesculus hippcastanum = Holds on to sorrowful family fate
  • Argentum nitricum = Demands nest warmth
  • Carbo animalis = Abandonment of the development of willpower
  • Euphrasia officinalis = Not wanting to admit what one sees
  • Onosmodium virginianum = Rigidly clinging to convictions
  • Sepia succus = Longing for harmony, which has to correspond to one’s own ideas
  • Silicea = Being mentally blocked, feelings are pushed away by injury

The psychology of night blindness/hemeralopia

The psychological meaning of night blindness or hemeralopia is associated with an individual who is disoriented but subconsciously wants to stay in the dark. Opportunities for change are not allowed to be perceived. Instead, realizations are disturbing and, therefore, “blinding.” Night blindness indicates that the unconscious remains in the dark with deep inner loneliness. The psychological roots can be found in the meaning of the homeopathic remedies that correspond to hemeralopia.

Homeopathic remedies for night blindness

  • Cadmium metallicum = High ideals and abilities prevent self-expression
  • China officinalis = Feeling dependent and enslaved
  • Helleborus niger = Not liking to be alone
  • Hyoscyamus niger = Feeling cheated out of life
  • Physostigma venenosum = Seeking solution in a desperate situation without changing a fixed view
  • Strychninum purum = Defies suffering
  • Veratrum album = The self-betrayal

The psychological meaning of eye dryness

The psychological meaning of eye dryness is associated with “dried up” emotions. Feelings are extinguished or withdrawn and are no longer shown. Nothing “flows” anymore, and many feelings have evaporated. In symptom language, all fluids are understood as material expressions of emotions.

It is not without reason that about every fifth ophthalmologist patient suffers more or less from eye dryness. It is considered a problem of the industrial age and can result in various impairing eye diseases. The root of this issue is the creed or adapted belief that discipline and accommodating others are more important than living oneself. The corresponding homeopathic remedies related to eye dryness show underlying psychological conditions.

Homeopathic treatment for eye dryness

  • Alumina = The own position is missing; one’s own position is not demanded
  • Crataegus oxacantha monogyna = Denial of one’s own rhythm of life
  • Lachnanthes tinctoria = Being split, thinking and feeling are separated from each other
  • Natrium muriaticum = Clinging to what is tried and known
  • Pulsatilla pratensis = Sticking one’s head in the sand, lack of confrontation
  • Sanicula aqua = Having to survive in poisoned feelings
  • Zincum metallicum = Feigning dignity and discipline instead of feelings

The homeopathic meaning of conjunctivitis

The patient with conjunctivitis no longer wants to tolerate the existing, externally determined way of looking at life. He is burning to have one’s own (views) accepted for once. However, there is little confidence in one’s own potential, and the demands and emotions are not expressed.

The inflammation (indication of suppressed anger) in the eye often occurs when the individual perspective of a person is not respected and roughly rejected. If this conflict is not adequately addressed, the eyes will clearly show inner turmoil and hurt. Depending on which side the conjunctivitis is showing more severely, the subconsciousness hints at the gender of the individual that agitated the person suffering from that eye condition. (left: female; right: male)

The following homeopathic remedies to treat conjunctivitis indicate the psychological disposition behind that conflict or why the embedded emotions are not processed sufficiently.

Homeopathic remedies for conjunctivitis

  • Apis mellifica = Fulfillment of duty; must function without aggression
  • Chloralum hydratum = Refusal to enjoy life because certain parts do not want to acknowledge themselves
  • Euphrasia officinalis = Not wanting to acknowledge what one sees
  • Hepar sulfuric = Want to change others, to strengthen one’s own security
  • Picrinum acidum = Wanting to free oneself from dependencies
  • Pulsatilla pratensis = Sticking one’s head in the sand, lack of confrontation
  • Silicea = Being mentally blocked, feelings are pushed away by injury
  • Thuja occidentalis = Shadow sides are encapsulated and isolated
The psychology of the eyes

The homeopathic meaning of barleycorn/hordeolum

The psychological disposition behind individuals suffering from barleycorn or hordeolum is associated with disappointment about the lived all-acceptance. Usually, the pressure of sorrow over having denied one’s own vitality and enjoyment of life increases. The need for protection and security entails all too readily overlooked humiliations that show with a barleycorn in the eye. Once again, the side hints at where the shame originates or where it is perceived as the source.

Barleycorns can often mark the lesser dominant partner in a relationship. The underlying psychological conditions can be found in the related homeopathic remedies listed below.

Homeopathic remedies for barleycorn/hordeolum

  • Calcium fluoricum = Looking for support at any price
  • Kreosotum = Feeling raped
  • Stannum metallicum = Not allowed to enjoy life
  • Apis mellifica = Fulfillment of duty; must function without aggression
  • Staphisagria = Having cut off inner ties to others, being isolated
  • Hepar sulfuric = Wanting to change others to strengthen one’s own security

The homeopathic meaning of strabismus

The psychological meaning of strabismus is rooted in two different points of view, which are positions that cannot be united into one picture. These perspectives mirror the different angles of perceptions of the parents. An overall picture, an assessment, is always subject to doubt. The individual wants to look at things from both perspectives simultaneously.

Not getting to the point, trying to “get around” something, escaping, wanting to flee from the current life situation.

Squinting outward/exotropia

Focusing inward, requiring security. The outside is to be ignored, wanting to remain a child.

Inward squinting

To straighten one’s own perception, the individual must understand the underlying psychological imprints encoded in the representative homeopathic remedies to treat strabismus.

Homeopathic remedies for strabismus

  • Cicuta virosa = Would like to remain a child to avoid responsibility
  • Cina maritime = Feeling at the mercy of others and not being able to cope with it
  • Gelsemium sempervirens = Anxiety of expectation from withheld emotion
  • Hyoscyamus niger = Feeling cheated out of life
  • Jaborandi = Giving so much attention to others that the strength to go one’s own way is missing
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart

The psychological meaning of astigmatism

The psychological meaning of astigmatism is related to traditional imprints. For generations, there have been evaluated views within the family, e.g., about the coexistence of men and women, which have been adopted uncritically by the generations. However, the own individual opinion does not correspond to that of one ancestor, which creates insecurity.

The psychological conflict is rooted in the distortion that one’s own identity is measured and judged by the family evaluation. How life or the evaluated topics are now to be seen, whether individually and detached from the family or in the same way as the family, but also with the feeling of support by them, is shown by the strength of the corneal curvature.

The underlying psychological imprints show in the meaning of the related homeopathic remedies that correspond to astigmatism.

Representative remedies for astigmatism

  • Atropinum purum aut sulfuricum = Valued feelings prevent the serene perception of life
  • Conium maculatum = Havin lost relation to one’s own basic needs
  • Gelsemium sempervirens = Expectation anxiety from withheld emotion
  • Lilium tigrinum = Either/or, Madonna-whore syndrome
  • Physostigma venenosum = Seeking a solution in a desperate situation without changing the fixed point of view
  • Tuberculinum bovinum = Escape into illusion; reality is not endured
  • Zincum metallicum = Feigned dignity and discipline instead of feelings

The psychology of retinal detachment/ablatio retina

Retinal detachment is psychologically associated with experiencing shock situations, which are expected to repeat. Avoidance imprints based on overwhelming fears and the general unwillingness to face the conflict cloud the ability to look at life with self-responsibility and self-confidence. The corresponding homeopathic remedies for retinal detachment give further clues on the possible underlying trauma-based imprints.

Representative remedies for retinal detachment

  • Arnica Montana = Retreating hurt, isolating oneself
  • Arsenicum album = Existential fear, prefer to die than to change
  • Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
  • Aurum muriaticum = Compulsion to conform destroys self-confidence
  • Digitalis purpurea = Emotional shock, from security to confrontation
  • Gelsemium sempervirens = Fear of expectation from withheld emotion
  • Phosphorus = Traumatized life energy, always the same

The homeopathic psychology of cataracts

The homeopathic and psychological meaning of eye cataracts relates to a dull life perception and an attitude that prevents enjoyment. The lens, the perspective through which one perceives the world, is clouded. Everything appears “gray in gray.” The joy of life has been lost because the need for security is the absolute priority in life. Loss of contrasts because the ups and downs of life have been renounced. The psychological imprints that lead to such perception are encoded in the homeopathic remedies that correspond to eye cataracts.

Homeopathic treatment for eye cataracts

  • Calcium fluoricum = Looking for support at any price
  • Cannabis sativa = Have given up identity through severe injury
  • Causticum = Through severe injury, having built an emotional wall
  • Jaborandi = Have conceded so much strength to others that the strength to go one’s own way is lacking
  • Magnesium carbonicum = Believes that one can only assert one’s own needs through warfare
  • Senega = Adopts others’ views of life in order to control
  • Tellurium metallicum = Denies his possibility, prefers to remain the plaything of others

The symbolic meaning of glaucoma

The psychological meaning of glaucoma is associated with disillusion regarding societal concepts. The image of the ideal, loyal community with other people has been disappointing. Unprocessed shock situations related to the peer context create pressure to act. However, clarification does not take place for various reasons that can be found in the related homeopathic remedies. The conflict is compensated by ambition, acceptance of responsibility for others, and the escape into role-playing.

Representative remedies for glaucoma

  • Adrenalinum hydrochloricum = Traumatic rushing to reach a (survival) goal
  • Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
  • Cocainum hydrochloricum = Must convince others, must always win
  • Comocladia dentata = Disappointed vision of community
  • Glonoinum = The possibility and the will to expand consciousness are missing
  • Prunus spinosa = Trapped in a situation, confused by repression
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart

Meaning of inflammation of the iris – iritis

The meaning inflammation of the iris, called Iritis, is associated with a person with self-worth issues. He sees himself as an individual unloved and not accepted. These experiences are so profound that they destroy essential trust and inner security. The general life situation is determined by the struggle for survival and the traditional will to adapt. The defiance against this situation and possible further rejections take the place of one’s own individuality. Accordingly, the person has great difficulty engaging with life and others based on psychological imprints encoded in the homeopathic remedies corresponding to iritis.

Representative remedies for Iritis

  • Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
  • Cedron cimaruba ferroginea = Injured need for security forces to defiant independence
  • Clematis erecta = Denying own level to be taken care of
  • Gelsemium sempervirens = Expectation anxiety from withheld emotion
  • Kalium iodatum = Ignores feeling of not being loved
  • Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart
  • Terebinthina = Being fixed on one side of the polarity

Color sense disorders/color blindness/achromatopsia

Color sense disorders, color blindness, or achromatopsia are psychological and homeopathically associated with disposition in what color frequency one perceives life. The broad spectrum of emotions makes life colorful, but the versatility and the living out of one’s own feelings are denied.

This imprint was so standard in the family of origin and will continue to be so. One sees life in certain colorings and frequencies. Valuable development parts, such as bad experiences, are excluded from perception. The psychological programs manifesting in this eye impairment can be found in homeopathic remedies.

Representative remedies for color sense disorders

  • Belladonna = From pent-up, suppressed life force becomes anger
  • Carboneum sulfuratum = Believes to be a special, split personality
  • Chlorum = Life impulses, life stimuli are rejected
  • Cina maritime = Feeling at the mercy of others and cannot cope with it
  • Physostigma venenosum = Seeks solution in a desperate situation without changing fixed point of view

Homeopathy for Body & Soul

This article is an excerpt from the book “Homeopathy for Body and Soul” which was written by Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the most common symptoms and diseases.

More about symptom language | Buy on Book On Demand

Homeopathy for Body and Soul book by Antonie Peppler mockup

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions or are looking for homeopathic consultation online, feel free to contact our team.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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