Antonie Peppler, the inventor of Creative Homeopathy, wrote this treatise about the assumption that every disease has its meaning. A significant aspect of her holistic approach to resolving pathologic somatization is the understanding of symptom language. We have already published her article about the importance of Pain. So, here is her take on the topic of disease in general:
Every human individual, every living being, is part of the whole, the cosmos, and the divine. Each of us can create new life and manifestations – in the positive and negative sense. To form something constructive or something destructive is the same effort. Even disease is a creation. In the beginning, there was the idea. Then it was implemented. Often a symptom is created subconsciously to achieve something with it. The student who doesn’t enjoy school very much suddenly has a headache about being able to go home. When we create something, we always have a motive. Often, our justification depends on conditions in a group, for example, in a family, or to evade the rules of the game or laws.
The Challenge of Individualization
Finding one’s own way
The more we depend on these rules and the greater the desire to belong to this group and be protected, the more we conform. Many people won’t think about it too much and copy how the other family members, students, or co-workers behave or expect them to do. Whether we like our own behavior, whether our own behavior suits us at all, or whether it fits our personality is something we only think about when there is a motive for it.
Such a motive can be hidden behind an illness. We are unhappy in our situation and know what we despise, but we don’t know what we want. The fine art is now to get in touch with our deeper unconscious, with our inner voice, with our divine part (actually, it doesn’t matter what we call this part in us), and to recognize what we desire in our life, what task we have set for ourselves, what would be fun and joyful for us in life, what suits us. To put it more briefly: Now is the time to ask about:
“Who am I, and how do I want to express my unique individuality?”
Self-definition through group membership
Satisfied people are usually very close to themselves. They know their individuality, accept their uniqueness, and no longer compare themselves with others because they know that every living being is different—it is supposed to be one of a kind.
I am comfortable if I have accepted myself as the one I am. In this situation, I can change something at any time, but I don’t have to. The modification, in this case, is playful, and playing is fun. But if I think I have to modify something about myself because I believe that my peer group will only like me if I alter something, then I am dissatisfied and constantly forced to check whether everything about me is according to others’ expectations. Thus, self-criticism is nothing other than taking over my person’s evaluations before others will do it. The assessments and judgments of the others, e.g., the parents, are unconsciously taken over and appear now as self-criticism. Peace only occurs when it is recognized that the evaluation or condemnation is not one’s own but rather a set of values that have been forced on us.
Self-love is the only way out
The Art of Loving
In his work “The Art of Loving,” Erich Fromm writes that a person can only love when he loves himself. If we simplistically replace the word love with acceptance, it means:
Only when we accept ourselves, then can we accept others.
Once we apply this principle, any judgment, condemnation, and efforts to change others are out of place. Every living being is a unique personality. All those who live according to this philosophy are in inner peace. It is a fine art and an essential task in life to find individuality and accept it.
Illness from a holistic point of view
Creative Homeopathy
In Creative Homeopathy, we utilize three interconnected layers or thematic pillows that determine the context of the illness and entail the solution to neutralize the underlying conflict of the disease.
- Homeopathy = In the Hahnemannian sense, the application is based on the interconnections of integrated experiences and evaluations in the consciousness.
- Psychology = To recognize the situation, position, and thus the transformational conditions of the patient within a peer group,
- Symptom language = In its interpretation of symptoms as an essential anamnesis aid. The symptoms are a symbolic language that hints at the core of the conflicts. We have a detailed article on the topic of Symptome Language.
The interaction of the three pillars
Symptoms do not lie when they show us directly at which point of the “human system” the conflict situation is present—mostly limited to the subconscious level. According to Antonie Peppler, the explanatory models of Creative Homeopathy help achieve a holistic, conscious, and self-responsible view of illness and health. The body’s condition, its biological function, is no longer disconnected from its mental and emotional processes but is viewed as an interconnected system.
However, the philosophy of Creative Homeopathy is more than just the sum of its components. The complete understanding corresponds to a worldview that is not a “new” invention but natural and can be found in many ancient wisdom teachings, like the Hermetic philosophy (see the teachings of the Kybalion). Implementing these universal laws brings balance to the individualization process, and personal responsibility is restored.
Diseases and suitable remedies
Below are some examples of disease—respectively, specific symptoms—, their meaning, and representative homeopathic remedies:
Migraine is associated with remaining individual silent in a bad situation that should be changed—often repeating the same-sex parent role with all its one-sided ways of thinking and evaluating. In the process, the same-sex parent unconsciously becomes the dominant one that must not be disappointed.
Representative remedies for Migraine:
- Coffea Cruda = guilt, but not facing the situation.
- Gelsemium = Anxiety of expectation from withheld emotion
- Iris versicolor = Does not stand up to his real value
- Lac vaccinum defloratum = Personal life path is sacrificed to needless security.
- Melilotus officinalis = Bowing to authority without perceiving it
- Onosmodium = Rigidly clinging to convictions
Hyperthyroidism is associated with an individual who is chasing the love and approval of others, e.g., mother, father, or spouse, without ever being able to meet the supposed expectations. Often does not have chemistry with the “adored” person. Reverence would have to be replaced by acceptance and tolerance, both of one’s personality and the personality of the other.
Representative remedies for Hyperthyroidism:
- Aqua Marina = Being ashamed of one’s individuality.
- Aurum metallicum = Lack of self-esteem
- Badiaga = Does not feel up to the flow of life
- Calcium fluoricum = Seeks stability at any price
- Fluoricum acidum = The “chemistry” is not matching, cannot live and let live
- Jodum = Not feeling nourished, not feeling loved
- Lycopus virginicus = Disregards one’s own feelings
- Spongia tosta = Desires to gain protection through adaptation
Heart Attack
Until recently, heart attack was a typical “men’s disease.” Men derive their self-esteem from the fact that their family is satisfied. Satisfaction is associated with “materially well provided for.” If the efforts, e.g., because the demands of the family are completely different, do not arrive, these are strengthened to the point of total exhaustion. Nobody gets what they want because there is no communication or understanding about their respective interests.
So one waits in vain for recognition of these efforts. This disappointment can now lead to self-esteem collapse and a heart attack. In the context of the emancipation of women, such behavior and conviction formally only adapted by men applies more and more to women today and explains, among other things, the increase in heart attacks in women.
Representative remedies for heart attacks:
- Arnica montana = To withdraw injured, to isolate oneself
- Glonoinum = The possibility and the will to expand consciousness are missing
- Kalmia latifolia = Loyalty compulsion as an obstacle to development
- Lachesis muta = Suppressed individuality
- Spigelia anthelmia = The breach of trust, the stab in the heart
- Tabacum = Withdrawal due to insecurity
- Vanadium metallicum = Feeling misunderstood
- Veratrum album = The self-betrayal
These three examples show a different, profound way of seeing oneself and life, which usually remains in the unconscious and the possibilities of eliminating “troublesome” issues. This perspective enables greater individual self-determination and promotes the awareness that everyone is “the architect of his own happiness” in the sense of personal responsibility.
Antonie Peppler “The psychological significance of homeopathic remedies,” Vol. I, 1998 and Vol. II 2002,
Antonie Peppler “Significance of symptoms and clinical pictures for a better understanding of the homeopathic anamnesis”, 2005, CKH -Verlag Großheubach.
The original article was written by Antonie Peppler and translated by Christian Köhlert.