
Creative Homeopathy

According to Antonie Peppler®

According to Antonie Peppler

CreativeHomeopathy according to AntoniePeppler® is the next consecutive step in the evolution of classic homeopathy. This new form of using information technology triggers the inherent healing resources. Antonie taught her technique to thousands of practitioners in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This website is dedicated to bringing her holistic approach closer to the international community of alternativetherapy and offer online consultation.

CreativeHomeopathy according to AntoniePeppler® is the next consecutive step in the evolution of classic homeopathy. This new form of using information technology triggers the inherent healing resources. Antonie taught her technique to thousands of practitioners in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This website is dedicated to bringing her holistic approach closer to the international community of alternativetherapy and offer online consultation.

About Creative Homeopathy

Creative Homeopathy consists of three additional pillars compared to the classical approach developed by Samuel Hahnemann. We don’t just rely on empirical studies but use the science of symptom language and depth psychology. Also, we utilize “Homeology” which are homeopathic remedies that are produced with radionic technology. We call them “Homeologicals.”

Creative Homeopathy consists of three additional pillars compared to the classical approach developed by Samuel Hahnemann. We don't just rely on empirical studies but use the science of symptom language and depth psychology. Also, we utilize "Homeology" which are homeopathic remedies that are produced with radionic technology.

Symptom Language

The symptom language never lies and reveals details about a person’s life circumstances, behaviors, and relationships. The issues that are not understood through consciousness will somatize, that is, become physical. The symptom language is the basic building block and enables an objective view of a person’s actual situation, both in acute cases of illness and in everyday situations.

What does the coughing fits in cold weather and the chronic allergy to pollen blossoms mean?

Depth Psychology

All our experiences, conscious as well as unconscious, are interconnected. Not all complaints show up as physical symptoms. Often psychological issues are only recognized through a deeper analysis of life circumstances and beyond. The connections, evaluations, and acquired traumas must be identified and resolved.

Why can’t the person maintain a relationship, and why does the person behave in this certain way in what is actually a harmless situation.


Once a person’s overall health situation has been grasped in all aspects and interconnections, highly potent substances that are psychologically similar are selected. These remedies mirror the person’s situation and give the healing impulse for the resolution of the issues that have arisen – symptomatically as well as psychologically. How this is done is described in detail on these pages as well as in our books.

Homeology = advanced Homeopathy

Learn about our Philosophy

Homeopathy for Body & Soul

Homeopathy for Body and Soul is the perfect book to gain a deeper understanding of Creative Homeopathy. This publication decodes the most common illnesses from a holistic perspective. It translates the “Symptom Language” of specific diseases and describes the underlying psychological imprints. Further, the book demonstrates in detail how to conduct an in-depth anamnesis as Antonie Peppler developed it.

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Homeopathy for Body and Soul book by Antonie Peppler mockup

Organon of Holistic Healing

Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of Classical Homeopathy, wrote his “Organon” as a detailed guideline for understanding and applying his unique healing method. He advised his clients to read the whole document before even asking for an appointment. We won’t insist that you work through our Organon of the Creative Homeopathy, but we highly recommend this series of articles to better understand our approach.

Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of Classical Homeopathy, wrote his "Organon" as a detailed guideline for understanding and applying his unique healing method. He advised his clients to read the whole document before even asking for an appointment. We won't insist that you work through our Organon of the Creative Homeopathy, but we highly recommend this series of articles to better understand our approach.

Understanding Homeopathy – Organon V

Understanding Homeopathy – Organon V

This is the last article in our “Organon” series in which I want to combine all the puzzle pieces of the previous articles and formulate a coherent analogy of how we can utilize homeopathic remedies to neutralize psychological conflicts and overcome disease. The Creative Homeopathy tries to facilitate a holistic understanding of how emotional trauma creates psychological imprints.

How does Homeopathy Work? – Organon IV

How does Homeopathy Work? – Organon IV

If you are a spiritual person, the idea of an afterworld is certainly quite familiar to you, but I want to talk about it scientifically. Because many spiritual notions are distorted by religious dogma. So the concept we need to abstract is a multi-dimensional reality that expands beyond space and time. Even Albert Einstein had to admit that there have to be other realms beyond his time-space-continuum.

Losing a Beloved Being – Organon III

Losing a Beloved Being – Organon III

The movie “Titanic” is my favorite example because it depicts so beautifully the perfect archetypical situation of having to watch the “love of your life” vanish in front of your eyes to “never” come back. When people start to project themself into the Kate character, it will automatically trigger their suppressed trauma. Of course, first, you need to identify yourself with the protagonist to a certain degree.

Psychological Imprints & Trauma – Organon  II

Psychological Imprints & Trauma – Organon II

The critical question is, how do we get rid of those psychological imprints? The answer is simple: we repeat the same archetypical conflicts that created the distortions in the first place—that is why we rotate in the same cycles of suffering repeatedly. Like in the movie “The Groundhog Day,” we repeat the same challenge until we change our attitude towards it. We subconsciously instigate the circumstances to restage an old trauma.

Symptom Language Explained – Organon I

Symptom Language Explained – Organon I

We understand that symptoms are a cryptic language of subconsciousness. You could also say it is an intuitive and symbolic form of communication. Now we need to realize that we humans are multi-level beings. In the Jungian understanding, subconsciousness is associated with an eternally existing core of our personality. Others would refer to it as our “Soul.” On the other hand, our wake consciousness is our ego.

Introducing The Organon of Holistic Healing

Introducing The Organon of Holistic Healing

When Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of Classical Homeopathy, started to treat people with his new approach, he wrote a detailed manuscript that defined his work’s basic principles. He called it the “Organon.” For most Homeopaths, this pamphlet became the book of the law. Hahnemann expected every patient to read it in full back in the days, and he was earnest about it. I can only think of it as a form of torture.

Latest homeopathic Articles

Here you can find our latest treatises about Creative Homeopathy but we have many more available in our library of homeopathic articles  along with useful videos that explain the wider field of information medicine and how it works. You can find those videos and documentaries in our media library.

Here you can find our latest articles about Creative Homeopathy but we have many more available in our media section along with useful videos that explain the wider field of information medicine and how it works. Please, feel free to roam our media library.

David’s Testimony

David’s Testimony

The following article is a thread from a Facebook group that a friend shared with me. He made his first contact with Creative Homeopathy a few months before, which started a process for him. During this journey, he got into other philosophies which led him to the group that was discussing...

How to treat Burnout with Homeopathy?

How to treat Burnout with Homeopathy?

This article, written by Antonie Peppler, the inventor of Creative Homeopathy, elaborates on Burnout and to we deal with it from a homeopathic point of view. Further, Antonie talks about the signature of this homeopathic remedy based on wild hopes and describes a case study regarding appendicitis....

Holding onto Norms and Traditions — Bryonia

Holding onto Norms and Traditions — Bryonia

This article, written by Antonie Peppler, the inventor of Creative Homeopathy, elaborates on the psychological meaning of Bryonia alba regarding the imprint of "holding onto norms and traditions." Further, Antonie talks about the signature of this homeopathic remedy based on wild hopes and...

Homeopathic Treatment for Conditions after Rape

Homeopathic Treatment for Conditions after Rape

This article, written by Antonie Peppler, the inventor of Creative Homeopathy, speaks about homeopathic treatment for psychological conditions following rape or sexual assault. She starts with one of her case studies that changed her perspective on approaching such a topic. Patient case with...

The Initial Aggravation

The Initial Aggravation

In this article, Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, put a new perspective on the topic of "Initial Aggravation" as a form of after-action towards specific homeopathic remedies. Further, she touches on symptom language and how our subconscious mind communicates messages through...

The different Layers of Disease

The different Layers of Disease

This article was written by Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, who talks about the different layers of disease and how they are interconnected. With this, she touches on symptom language and how our subconscious mind communicates messages through the body—what we call...

Psychology & Consulting

We offer Homeopathic Consultation Online

We offer Homeopathic Consultation Online Globally

We offer Homeopathic Consultation Online

Antonie Peppler

Inventor of Creative Homeopathy

Shop and Books

Antonie Peppler wrote over twenty books and developed a variety of products in the context of homeopathy. Unfortunately, only a fraction is translated into English. We are currently working on our own webshop with a selection of products based on Creative Homeopathy for the international market. Until then, we can only link to our German online store and lead you to a website that offers high-quality homeopathic remedies and mixtures based on Antonie Peppler’s work.

Antonie Peppler wrote over twenty books and developed a variety of products in the context of homeopathy. Unfortunately, only a fraction is translated into English. We are currently working on our own webshop with a selection of products based on Creative Homeopathy for the international market. Until then, we can only link to our German online store and lead you to a website that offers high-quality homeopathic remedies and mixtures based on Antonie Peppler's work.

Psychology & Homeopathy

The psychological meaning
of Homeopathic remedies

The psychological meaning of
Homeopathic remedies

The psychological meaning of homeopathic remedies

“The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies” was the first publication of Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the 190 most significant treatments in homeopathy. In her 2nd volume, she added another 160 analyses.

You can order “The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies – Vol. I” in physical form from Books on Demand (BoD) or a digital PDF. Also available is Volume II as Books on Demand.

The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies Volume 1 by Antonie Peppler

Buy Homeopathic Remedies

 We offer a wide variety of remedies on our partner website called “Homeologic Lab.” Homeologicals are homeopathic remedies that are produced by an advanced radionic method.

We offer a wide variety of remedies on our partner website called "Homeologic Lab." Homeologicals are homeopathic remedies that are produced by an advanced radionic method.

We offer a wide variety of remedies on our partner website called "Homeologic Lab." Homeologicals are homeopathic remedies that are produced by an advanced radionic method.

Contact us

If you are interested in Creative Homeopathy, just drop us a message and your telephone number. We prefer classical conversations on the phone. If you are looking for homeopathic online consultation we have a dedicated website to make an appointment.

15 + 4 =

Office in Germany

CKH GmbH | Klingenweg 12, D-63920 Großheubach | GERMANY

Partner in Switzerland

Eva Ursiny | Route d’Ursy | 1675 Vauderens | SWITZERLAND

WhatsApp Switzerland

Telephone Office

+49 (0)9371 2059

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