
Why is Homeopathy not an established method?

by | Jun 23, 2022 | Homeopathy Articles

Why is homeopathy not an established method, even though the therapy, according to Hahnemann, has existed for more than 200 years? Considering his wealth of knowledge and his many publications – and those of his students- it is indeed puzzling that this method has not yet become fully established. One automatically asks the question, why is this the case? Why do reasonable people ignore the possibility of such a positive road to recovery?

There must be some political or financial motives behind the argument that “Homeopathy has not been proven!” Why otherwise would standard medicine continue to be supported? Why are patients kept in a condition of non-responsibility in regular practice? Most insurance companies only support the more expensive “normal” recovery methods.

Why is Homeopathy not accepted?

Especially today—when the admonition to save money is heard on every corner—it is the ideal time to think again of the 200-year-old medicine of homeopathy. The use of natural substances is less expensive than the expensive development and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products, not to mention the poor, tortured animals in the test laboratories.

And then there are the overfilled doctor’s offices in which uncountable exasperated patients are waiting for their “exactly five minutes,” the time in which they will have their symptoms suppressed and transferred to some other part of the body.

Homeopathy against the ESTABLISHMENT

Already in his day, Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, conducted his therapy under the premise that the patient must be guaranteed healing and that—in every individual case—the recovery should be rapid, gentle, and permanent. His meticulously acquired knowledge and its pertinence are just as relevant today as 200 years ago. But what has transpired in the field of homeopathy in the interim?


Let us take a closer look at what happens today when you go to the doctor:  For hours, people are waiting in overcrowded offices while the doctor is dispensing his allowed “five minutes” to patients who already have had their nerves taxed to the max. Unsurprisingly, these can only be displaced and not healed without a taken case history and a precise, even if lengthy, examination of the symptoms. When the indication for its use is present, why is the more cost-effective and functional homeopathic therapy not given a thought?

Often the patient can only describe his situation imprecisely, if at all. In the little time given to him, the doctor cannot consider everything, and the insurance companies constantly demand that more be done for less money. Although an in the western culture has become more conscious of himself and his environment, too many aspects of the unity of body, soul and spirit have been left unnoticed and therefore unattended to.

What is different about alternative medicine?

Alternative methods of treatment, however, are becoming more and more available. Take, for instance, naturopathic medicine, anthroposophical medicine, or stimulation therapies. These forms of therapy stand face-to-face with modern and homeopathic medicine, both of which are equally plausible choices. Once you choose homeopathic treatment, you must deal with widespread prejudices and ignorance of the facts behind homeopathy.

At the turn of the millennium, we observe in Germany a new trend. Doctors who ailed against homeopathy are now reconsidering this option to remain “in.” But how can they best get to know the completely different worldview of homeopathy? One possibility is to be found in the computer program, Homeolog™, which was developed in 1985 by a group of practicing homeopaths. The intention is to find the easiest way to repertorize the collected symptoms.  

A new dawn for homeopathy?

The day has come when homeopathy can take its proper place in the medical world – should economic interests or political manipulation of public opinion not be again set against it. People in our cultural milieu seem to have become more conscious. For the unprejudiced layperson who has read Hahnemann’s account of his experiences in homeopathy, this method is often easier to comprehend than those who have studied extensively and, because of their education, are only able to think along rigid, predetermined paths.

Trendy but superficial

This is why many patients and young mothers who want the best for their children are demanding homeopathic treatment from their doctors. As a result, the d tor, who had nothing good to say about homeopathy a short while ago, must think it over again and even prescribe homeopathically just to stay in the trend. But does he know what he is doing?

Is he utterly aware of the ramifications of his actions? The knowledgeable homeopath sees clearly that completely different principles are at work in homeopathy and – if you look closely – an entirely different worldview. How can an average practicing medical doctor acquire this extensive knowledge by reading a single book—it is simply not possible.

Those who have read their way into Hahnemann’s life and accomplishments understand that Hahnemann was a dynamic person and that what he described, he also lived. Homeopathy is based upon a law of nature. This law is anchored within every person, but unfortunately, through the modern materialistic form of thought, it has fallen from our awareness. It is left to the initiative of each of us to lift this knowledge into our conscious considerations again.

Playing instead of helping God

Today genetic researchers can modify genes on an atomic level. Something is added or taken away – a little bit of playing God mechanically. It is just this that homeopathy seeks to avoid—for in each of us, there is a bit of God, and it should remain just as it is. Said somewhat less polemically:  Homeopathy wants to free the individuality of each human being and strengthen them against external manipulation.

Homeopathy strives to bring forth a socially- and self-aware person who can fully use their creative potential to benefit all. Homeopathic treatment works to develop this sense of responsibility for self and society from out of the patient’s previous entanglements.

Homeopaths should question Hahnemann

It is just for this reason that one should not blindly consume Hahnemann’s works unexamined. Hahnemann was just as human as anyone else; he understood much intuitively and struggled to express his insights. Today we depend upon what you might call an “instruction manual” to understand Hahnemann’s vocabulary. In building this understanding, it is paramount that, just as Hahnemann did six generations ago, one takes the different remedies and determines their effects on oneself. “Learning by doing” is an essential part of homeopathy, which presents a possibility for personal experience in its deeper aspects.

Those who have tried out homeopathy on themselves have been able to clear away misunderstandings that have resulted from the older German formulations Hahnemann uses. For example, Hahnemann speaks f the “smallest possible dose” but means with this the “highest potency.” It is still taught in many schools of homeopathy today that a high potency is dangerous. This contention stands in bold contradiction to what Hahnemann writes in numerous places in his Organon.

Homeopathy and Psychology

It is due to such problems of comprehension that, to this day, homeopathy has not been able to achieve a general acceptance. Often enough, it is said: Homeop thy works slowly! However, every homeopath using high potency knows from personal experience that the correctly chosen remedy given in the “smallest dose,” the highest potency, can heal entirely within minutes. And so, the patient’s demand, “I want to be helped immediately,” is perfectly legitimate and can also be met if the patient is not harboring an underlying reason for hindering the healing process in his subconscious.

Example of Symptoms and Psychology

Take, for example, the wife who feels herself being put under pressure by her husband but, on the other side, is dependent upon his support. She will put up with the pressure s long as they need to be supported and takes precedence. The result is that the symptoms arising from the pressure cannot be healed until the dependency situation has been broken through. Another way must be found to secure the support she needs. (This might be another partner.)

Psychology needs to be implemented into Homeopathy

The experienced homeopath, who sees through this situation, will not be fooled by these stress symptoms but will prescribe those homeopathic remedies that can activate the selfresponsibility of the patient so that she can take care of herself and go her own way. That this can be a drawn-out process, possibly even a stony path, must be mentioned.

From these considerations, it can be seen that a good homeopath must not only be adept at using the repertories but also be psychologically fit. A superficial treatment of the symptom may lead to quick but also superficial healing. The message that the symptoms bring us, however, goes unheard. The good homeopath is responsible for resisting this temptation and accompanying the patient from a psychological perspective. Your gratification will be comprehensive and long-lasting healing!

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or make an appointment for a homeopathic online consultation.

Christian Köhlert Ambassador Christian Köhlert


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