The psychological meaning of Natrium muriaticum

by | Aug 13, 2022 | Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies

This article is an extract from the book “The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies” about Natrium muriaticum. The double-volume compendium was composed by Antonie Peppler, the founder of Creative Homeopathy, who psychologically examined the most potent remedies and the mental imprints behind common illnesses.

Natrium muriaticum as a homeopathic remedy

Typical Indications of Natrium muriaticum; nat-m; Chloride of Sodium

Key Symptoms

great emaciation, losing flesh while living well ‹sa››› wants to withdraw from responsibility
anemia ‹sn››› the joy of living is no longer present
fluttering of the heart with weak faint feeling, worse lying down ‹sn››› just in case he might be tempted to show some feeling, he withdraws and doesn’t stand behind his actions
numbness and tingling in fingers and toes ‹sn››› doesn’t want to act on his own behalf or get a grip on things
painful tension in the bends of the limbs ‹sn››› cannot protect his personality because he has demonstrated his commitment to someone else

Additional Selected Symptoms

hurry ‹sk››› doesn’t want to commit himself
haunted by unpleasant subjects ‹sk››› old, habitual structures distract from the flow of life
people intolerable to her during urination ‹ss››› can only express feelings in a context with which she is well acquainted (?)
slow learning to talk ‹ss››› not allowed to make demands on her own behalf
indifference to pleasure ‹sk››› old problems have manifested and forbid one to have joy in life
consolation agg. ‹sk››› wants to remain stuck in problems, refuses help out of pride
involuntary weeping ‹sk››› suppressed feelings make an appearance
hair falling ‹sk››› loss of vitality
white dandruff ‹sk››› old, habitual thought patterns begin to break away
heaviness occiput, draws eyes together ‹sk››› bears a grudge so strongly that it distorts one’s view of the present moment
dreams of robbers ‹sk››› doesn’t want to let go, afraid of loss
late learning to walk ‹sk››› takes a long time until the responsibility for one’s own further development is accepted
formication fingers, fingertips ‹sk››› doesn’t want to perceive that he could act
lachrymation, with cough ‹sk››› it is painful to demand recognition and respect
mouches volante, floating black spots, vision (?) ‹sk››› excludes certain aspects from his life

The psychology of Natrium muriaticum in homeopathy

Actual Life Situation

The person that resonates with Natrium muriaticum is often consumed by grief. They are holding on to the past. Holding on to old and imprinted habits, not following the flow of one’s own life. This leads to suffering and despair. Those individuals do not want to open up anymore, which Natrium muriaticum as a homeopathic remedy can change.

Remedy Message (high potency)

“Relax and get a feeling for yourself!”

Message of Natrium muriaticum

Condition After Taking the Remedy (high potency)

After Natrium muriaticum it becomes evident that the personality has not yet learned to follow its own life impulses and that it could be using its life energy not for others, but according to the values of the inner voice (carb-v). A cozy nest (arg-n) is demanded in place of the unlived personal values. The lack of confrontation (puls) leads to illusory ideas (con) and a false sense of harmony (sep).

“Holding to that which is tried and true.”

Corresponding imprint of Natrium muriaticum

The Psychological Meaning
of Homeopathic remedies

This article is an excerpt from the book “The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies” which was the first publication of Antonie Peppler decoding the mental imprints behind the 190 most significant treatments in homeopathy. In her 2nd volume, she added another 160 analyses.

You can order “The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies – Vol. I” in physical form from Books on Demand (BoD) or as a digital PDF. Also available is Volume II as Books on Demand or PDF download.

The Psychological Meaning of Homeopathic Remedies book by Antonie Peppler mockup


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About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert. I am the officially appointed ambassador of Creative Homeopathy according to Antonie Peppler®, and my mission is to introduce this holistic approach and philosophy to the international alternative medicine community. I have written all translations of Antonie’s work on this page. If you have questions, contact our team or get an appointment for online consultation.

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